Which is why I am sitting here and trying to glut myself with as much internets as possible, as I have the sneaking suspicion that I will return to my dorm tomorrow night to find my internet cut off ...Forgetting to pay for the next month in December makes that happen, I guess! ...which means daily pilgrimages to the Coffee Day at uni for their free wireless, gaaah I think I will get how Carmen always had to feel :/ BUT FINGERS CROSSED FOR ME BEING WRONG :DDD?!
Hope everyone had a happy New Year btw! Mine spent in Krimml ended nicer than expected-- the sheer amount of fireworks that were set off were mind-boggling and quite lovely against the mountain backdrop, actually! Tried making pics of it but pathetically failed to get decent ones, sadly.
And I even spent the first day of the year doing some Uni work, though admittedly not much, yet I take whatever I can to make the guilt lessen XDD Watched the first disc of "Lawrence of Arabia" though, and it is still one of the BEST MOVIES EVER ♥ ♥ ♥ Peter O'Toole is simply wonderful in this role and the scenery! The dialogue! And the costumes! THE SHEER GRANDIOSITY OF IT ALL aaaaaah this is what a period piece should be and it is even the more impressive given WHEN the film was actually made. Ahhh. LOVE.
Today was spent catching up on CFUD happenings too-- and ahhhh! SO many new counselers! Isshin, the gay lawyers, Gil aaaand shit, a bunch of others and it was good amusing RP as always :Db
(Oh and I had a lovely 'first dream of the year' that involved apparent Ryuuken and Isshin official sidestory in the Bleach manga and there were ACTUAL FACIAL EXPRESSIONS and hijinks and and AWESOMENESS all around. And speaking of the manga, chapter 258 had the loveliest chapter art since a while, ignoring the SeeleN Schneider thing XDD MORE ISHIDA is always a good good gooood thing :Dbbbb)
ALSO: Even if Kat's internet ain't working right now (WAAAH I MISS YOU ALREADY!!), here be the promised next-wisdom tooth sketch! Didn't quite turn out to be Tamaki, as I uh was kinda doodling Karekano the past day aaaand dear Asapin seemed a likely candidate as any to pop inna nurse's outfit? XDDD JUDGE FOR YOURSELF, my dear! (Shall try and colour it at some later point in time maybe? Quite like it :D)
...fuuull body shot lol
...so you can read the actual dedication XDD
...Since in my head Asaba will always be accompanied by Arima and Yukino... OT3 ♥!!