Title: One Bullet and a Heartache Is All It Takes (One-shot)
Pairing: Yewook
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/M (For angst, angst, and more angst...Plus a teaspoon of romance.) Character death. So, if you can't handle it, don't read it.
Disclaimer: Someday I will be rich enough to buy all of the Super Junior members...then I'll get to do whatever I want with
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Comments 8
I have to go "sleep" now,
but I'll go read this on my dsi and comment back tomorrow morning~
And you joined my family commun a few minutes ago~ o:
Who told you about it?
I must update the family tree soon~ :)
Actually, while I was searching for "ryeosung" in the LJ search engine, it popped up as one of the results...so, of course the name definitely caught my attention and I just had to add. :D
well we do have family members who like that pairing~ :3
the name...
that always seems to attract attention XDDD
(back to the fic)
I cried while reading, no joke.
Why would you do such a thing. ;__________;
I almost cried while writing it...
No idea why I did it...it just all kinda came to me. I'm really into hardcore angst and I figured since there isn't that many fics where the characters are killed off...I thought I'd give it a try.
Sorry for making you cry. :[ Thanks for reading and commenting though! :)
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