So at work, we received a large shipment of Star Wars merchandise.
Including toys.
Including an R2-D2 plushie.
This is currently my front toy shelf. (I have another one in my bedroom with all anime stuff, but there's so many of those that it gets really cluttered. And I like my Transformers toys best atm) I have a Robot Heroes!Arcee somewhere too, but she's currently hiding from me.
Okay, so maybe Kero-chan belongs with the anime stuff, but he's a plushie so he gets to be out. Also, I collected music boxes when I was a kid. (I probably still would, but I have too many things to spend money on as it is. I need a better paying job.)
I am ridiculously amused that Robot Heroes!Silverbolt and Blackarachnia can hold hands. Also, I see that Golden Disk, Megs.
Come on, I can't not put Jazz at the piano. Also, I love my tiny!transforming!Jazz, but I love his altmode better. He's so cuuuuuuute.
This is Luna. (And yes, she glares like that most of the time. Luna is a prissy little thing and I luffs her.) She is Luna because she has a crescent moon mark on her head. Sort of. And twelve-year-old me really wanted to be a proper Magical Girl.
Luna Does Not Approve Of Pictures. She also sheds like woah. And I forget to vacuum a lot.
This is Luna in my front room, which is tiny. (Also, I can just hear the gasps from those of you who have seen my front room in the past. Look! It's clean! mother came over a few weeks ago and spent the day cleaning and now I'm sort of terrified of messing it up since she's still in town. The extra futon frame is now residing outside. The mattress is on my bed 8D)
And now I need to go poke at Word so I can finally post the last chapter to Playground Logic. Jazz, I realize this is a hard thing to ask, but please behave for me a little and stop rambling incoherently. You're making things hard.