Title: "Thinkin' how you left me for dead, California bound..."
kaitism Genre: angsty AU set about three years or so? in the future
Paring: jongkey (duh)
Rating: PG -13 ish? >_>
Disclaimer: I do not own SHINee or SME and I do not make money with this fanfiction. I also do not own the song "Heels Over Head," its lyrics, or Boys Like Girls.
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Comments 6
Did the tension between these two just escalate? That's why they fought? Was it only Kibum's fault?
Did Kibum find Jonghyun ? What happens next?
1) I didn't really have an idea for what happened before to cause this. My idea was just that Jonghyun is always the douchebag, and Kibum was always the one leaving, and I wanted to change it up. So...I don't exactly know why they fought...
2) No, it wasn't only Kibum's fault. I mean, in real life, it wouldn't be, and here, I'm sure Jonghyun's pigheadedness stubbornness contributed to this.
3) Does Kibum find Jonghyun? I don't know yet. There will likely be a sequel, but no promises.
SORRY FOR THE LONG COMMENT! Dx and for leaving so many questions unanswered...but thanks for reading ~!
It was “too sunny,” “too hot,” “too blonde,” “too tan.” Huh. Maybe Jonghyun would fit in perfectly… LMAO RDD!Jonghyun ! I laughed hard at this.
Please sequel ohn !? *puppy eyes* /gives pouty Jjong for you.
Hope your writer's block just shoos away quickly ohn !?
I think it means more angst if it's turn into a serie but I would totamy read it !
/dces everywhere.
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