Title: Sweet Caroline
Pairing: Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang
Rating: PG
Summary: Mike has never been so tired in his life, nor had he thought Tina could be so gorgeous with drool in her hair.
No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you; this is a new chapter of Asian Kiss! I really do apologize for taking so long to update this story. Enjoy!
He feels useless and incompetent and Mike’s certain she’s judging him as a complete failure of a parent. )
Comments 11
How utterly adorable. I'm actually trying to find the right words to explain this... which is proving difficult. So I;m going to go with real.
Because it is, it is very very real, they aren't perfect except their own little way, and Mike would just think Tina was perfect any way she was.
& you totally take Tina's emotional personality into consideration, I love that she's an emotional wreck (though that be because I am too.); But it adds to the realism.
Yeeeey, for the story and you!
Poor Mike, haha. But he loves Tina and I'm sure that her emotional insanity is something he'd be used to after all those years. Especially because I'm sure Quinn was a raging hormonal wreck when she was pregnant and we just didn't get to see much of it on the show ;)
And Tina is perfect, so of course Mike would think so!
Thanks so much for reading!
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