Title: What's In a Name
Characters: Tina Cohen-Chang, Noah Puckerman, Sue Sylvester, Dave Karofsky, Artie Abrams, Santana Lopez, Mike Chang
Rating: PG
Summary: 5 Times Tina reminds someone that she has a proper name, and 1 time she learns a 'nickname' might not be so bad.
It makes her laugh with an ease Tina never though she’d have around Mike Chang )
Comments 7
Very deep thoughts. I love it. Different shots with different characters, and you covered it with two thumbs presentation. The last conversation with Mike, is a very lovable conversation. The great thing about your story is that you able to explore these Glee characters personalities and how they will react into several conditions...
I'm blushing like crazy right now. Because in my head, this is canon. And it basically came from the poor characterization of Tina (the one-off mentions of her feminism, the issue of Artie calling her woman, etc) and just became... this. Because Tina doesn't take crap from anyone, whether it be Puck or Artie or Karofsky or Sue freaking Sylvester.
But I wanted to include Mike to both give some backstory to the 'Asian' joke (because it basically came out of nowhere) and even Tina needs to accept that everything isn't an insult to her feminism.
But I'm seriously blushing because I'm SO GLAD you like this. It really means a lot to hear :)
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