*Is Excited*

Aug 03, 2005 10:08

Yea, so after talking to karah for forever about almost everything, i'm now strangely & superly excited about our party...though i kinda wanted to invite more people...but didn't think I knew them well enough...and unless i invited like 10 more ppl, all the new ppl would only know about 3 other ppl...an david and nate are the only guys...kinda ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

aurelisa August 3 2005, 18:20:57 UTC
Yep, you can, otherwise the "anonymous" option would be in italics. :)


ibernined August 7 2005, 12:14:18 UTC
HEY KATIE!!!! Excited for guard camp??!?!?!?!?!??! okay I just wanted to say hello, see ya there...BTW to catch up o what has been happening w/ me just read my journal, think of it as a summer reading that needs to have been read by the time you get to guard camp tomorrow that way we can just go straight to talking, and I won't have to fill you in on anything!!!

love dearly,



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