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Comments 337

ellipsisms September 8 2016, 04:21:53 UTC
Name: Flo
Age: 24
Location: NYC, NY
Story Behind Your Username: "A sadness that you'll never know how history will turn out." I thought it sounded pretty!

Some things I'm interested in are: Broadway/musicals, psychology, animals (especially cats and dogs), board games, video games, reading
Things I dislike: Bugs which are the absolute WORST. Hot weather. Talking on the phone.
A thing that makes me laugh: My cat when he's being silly.
Something I'm scared of: Regretting my choices in the future.
Something I hope for the future is: I can figure out whether to continue on to a PhD in psych or switch tracks to vet school instead.

What do you typically post about?: Mostly my real life, stuff of importance that happened to me. I usually say about 90% RL, 5% fandom, and 5% meme.
Are you looking for something specific in an LJ friend?: People who are interested in interacting and commenting back and forth, people who post about their own lives (though not in a list sort of way like " ( ... )


robvansam September 9 2016, 00:46:23 UTC
I can't stand hot weather either. In fact, I despise Summer and always look forward to when it's over. I'm a Winter lover but considering how disgustingly hot and humid it's been for us (live in CT) this Summer (more than usual), I'll just take Fall arriving at this point.


kaitydid33087 September 8 2016, 04:31:47 UTC
Name: Kaitlyn, but everyone calls me Kaity on the internet, so that's fine!
Age: 29
Location: Montana
Story Behind Your Username: My Grandma always called me Kaitydid growing up, and I have just used it because it was her nickname for me, and after she passed away, I used it to remember her by.

Some things I'm interested in are: Cooking and Baking, Netflix, Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Animals, Jamberry, I'm an all around nerd, coffee, theatre (I was a theatre major in college), Disney
Things I dislike: Bugs, complete darkness and silence
A thing that makes me laugh: Any Cookie Monster video, but I really like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qTIGg3I5y8
Something I'm scared of: The dark, spiders, the unknown
Something I hope for the future is: I'm hoping for a better job soon.

What do you typically post about?: Every day life. My job at Bed Bath and Beyond, my dog Leia, my boyfriend, Luke ( ... )


mmailliw September 8 2016, 05:54:03 UTC
Name: William
Age: 32
Location: Arlington, VA
Story Behind Your Username: tried to write my name backwards - "mailliw" - for a Yahoo games ID in August or September 1999, but it was already taken so I doubled the "m" (now it's "William M" backwards)

Some things I'm interested in are: success, chocolate, beaches, waterfalls, travel, good weather... *flails*
Things I dislike: winter, traffic jams, good plans being stopped by dumb luck
A thing that makes me laugh: cheap puns
Something I'm scared of: aging
Something I hope for the future is: that things resolve themselves well? idek

What do you typically post about?: mainly my own life these days
Are you looking for something specific in an LJ friend?: people who "get" me, ideally, but mainly just don't be an asshole!
What sort of things turn you off from an LJ post?: when I get the impression that the poster sees themselves as superior to me... or that they think their own point of view on things is the One Valid View
Do you have ( ... )


ellipsisms September 8 2016, 14:21:58 UTC
Friend a fellow Snake? c:


mmailliw September 9 2016, 02:54:48 UTC
*adds* surprised we haven't added each other already!


tunnels_of_loce September 8 2016, 06:40:01 UTC
Name: Kelly
Age: 27
Location: Minnesota, USA
Story Behind Your Username: Oh GOD I dislike my username; I created it yeeeeeears ago when I had a few chatroom buddies on AIM and someone once misspelled "love" as "loce" and it kind of became an inside joke. I wish I could change it but I didn't want to make a new account or spend the money. :(

Some things I'm interested in are: Disney, books, Harry Potter, cooking and baking, films, art, fashion and beauty, nature, traveling, coffee
Things I dislike: Ticks, beets, dealing with stress, money problems
A thing that makes me laugh: Dogs!
Something I'm scared of: Being content with being stagnant for too long
Something I hope for the future is: To be happy and successful enough to provide for a future family. Also to drink coffee and read books all day. And pet all the dogs.

What do you typically post about?: Mostly just things that happen in my life. Sometimes I have to vent or get things off my chest or sometimes I'm looking for advice ( ... )


robvansam September 9 2016, 00:51:41 UTC
Wow, I remember the days of chat rooms and AIM. That used to be the "In thing". Now it seems like it's an after thought and rarely do you hear people talk about it. Amazing how far technology has gone even though the day of chat rooms and AIM doesn't seem too long ago.


tunnels_of_loce September 14 2016, 02:37:25 UTC
I know! There are like two people I still talk to on AIM, otherwise I wouldn't bother with it anymore.


ragnarok_08 September 9 2016, 02:33:06 UTC
You really sound like a very cool and lovely person - friends?


ragnarok_08 September 8 2016, 17:04:36 UTC
Name: Julie
Age: 25
Location: Virginia, USA
Story Behind Your Username: I’ve always liked the word Ragnarök, as it’s straight from Norse Mythology, and I thought that it would make a great username. It’s stuck with me ever since.

Some things I'm interested in are: Anime, Disney, books, psychology, animation, mythology, cooking, baking, films, art, theatre, fashion and beauty, nature, Transformers, traveling, coffee, reading, astrology, mental health awareness. feminism, and photography
Things I dislike: Anxiety, dealing with stress, money problems, racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, traffic jams, entitlement, and rude people.
A thing that makes me laugh: Silly puns and innuendos XD
Something I'm scared of: Death, sexual assault, spiders, the unknown, and regretting my choices in the future
Something I hope for the future is: To be happy and successful enough to be fully content. Also to write and read books all day.

What do you typically post about?: Mostly just ( ... )


mmailliw September 9 2016, 02:56:47 UTC
And you seem awesome by association! *adds*

meant to reply to your reply to my post, but this is close enough ;)


ragnarok_08 September 9 2016, 03:43:52 UTC
Added you!!!


becofoz September 9 2016, 02:56:52 UTC
Hi. We have a few common interests and a lot of mutual friends. I've seen you comment on a few of their journals.



missbinary September 8 2016, 19:04:40 UTC
Name: Daniela
Age: 33
Location: Germany
Story Behind Your Username: I love computing and orchids and my user name reflects both :-D

Some things I'm interested in are: Programming, Yoga, movies, series, occasional gaming (The Sims 4, Minecraft)
Things I dislike: Spiders, racism.
A thing that makes me laugh: Jokes that play with words.
Something I'm scared of: Spiders, thunder, choleric people.
Something I hope for the future is: To save money to buy a house by the sea.

What do you typically post about?: My daily life, Yoga, things that I came across which are positive and which I would like to share.
Are you looking for something specific in an LJ friend?: Open mindedness. I do not have any criteria. Sharing of interests is a plus, though.
What sort of things turn you off from an LJ post?: Any kind of extremism, racism, ableism.
Do you have any sort of friending policy?: Not really.

Anything else to add?: Please feel free to ask if you have any questions :)


cherrytattoo77 September 9 2016, 18:48:48 UTC
I would like to add you! Check out my journal intro & if you think we'd be a good fit, add me!


missbinary September 10 2016, 06:55:43 UTC
Just read your profile and think we might get along well. I am going to add you :)


cherrytattoo77 September 12 2016, 13:45:35 UTC
fantastic! I look forward to getting to know you! Thanks for the add!


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