Story time, comrades! Gather round!

Feb 18, 2009 17:04

Yesterday, while going through the motions of school dum-de-dum, your intrepid heroine Kaiya suddenly came to the realization that lo! She had a very important research paper due today! Luckily, she'd always been known for having a clear head in stressful situations, and she certainly did not spaz out for five minutes wondering how she was going to get out of this mess. No, sir.

...Okay, maybe that was exaggerating a little.

Anyway, the lovely and insightful Kaiya treks to the school library, where she uses her amazing source-finding skills to find everything she needs to write an intelligent, well thought out paper-- and all in the span of a few seconds.

...Fine, so maybe she just wandered around like a chicken with its head cut off. Semantics, comrade! Semantics!

After finding all of said resource material, the beautiful and extraordinarily quick-witted Kaiya proceeds to make a beeline for her apartment, where she gets right down to work and certainly doesn't waste time on anything inane or fandom related what the hell are you talking about.

Due day comes, and the gorgeous and all-knowing Kaiya is just starting putting the finishing touches on her paper. Finally! It is completed! She is convinced that her teacher will be thrilled with the results. Just to make sure, however, Kaiya decides to check the syllabus one more time to see if anything has been missed by her careful and keen eyes.

What's this? The paper's not due until next week?

Kaiya accepts this turn of events with all the aplomb that is expected of a heroine.

Heh. Eheheh.



So! In other, less mind-shattering news, has anyone seen this site before? It's kinda like all of those MMORPGs that you find everywhere, except apparently you get rewards for doing household chores. You heard me. Household chores. Like, in real life. That... has got to be one of the most awesome things I've ever heard.

Edit: Huh. I just realized that I hit the 500-entry mark with this one. I don't know whether to congratulate or scold myself for being such a dedicated dork. :p

full frontal nerdity, school daze, write write write, whine whine whine, arghhh!

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