hats and things

Apr 07, 2011 22:44

This afternoon, I was listening to a long Clark/Lex podfic and started to drift off (the fic isn't boring, I was just sitting in a warm room.) So, I went to lie down in the bedroom where it was cooler and lo, several hours later, I woke up all discombobulated and headachey. Note to self: you're supposed to be sleeping at night! I seem to have ( Read more... )

fashion, funny stuff, sleep, hats, books

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Comments 7

mrinalinee April 8 2011, 05:36:32 UTC
...I actually think most of these hats are pretty neat. Perhaps not the butterfly hat! I even like the lemon peel hat sort of, although more in concept than in execution. But just from looking at these, it kind of seems like they've descended into self-parody. The hat on top of a hat is too silly to be in earnest, unless it's, like, super earnest meta. About hats.

I had no idea that the Clan of the Cave Bear series was only recently finished! Amazon tells me that their child's name is Jonayla looooool. Jean Auel clearly understands the power of a good namesmush, BUT NOW WHAT WILL I DO FOR A PORTMANTEAU SHIPNAME FOR ALL MY REAMS OF CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR PORN? Which is obviously completely different from the officially published Clan of the Cave Bear porn, which comprises a lot of Clan of the Cave Bear. And then they invent monogamy! I've only read parts of the second book, but I kind of want to read this one just for lulz. I uh. Sorry for spoiling you?


kaizoku April 8 2011, 06:14:19 UTC
Oh, they are! Some of them are amazing feats of engineering! If I sound judgemental it's just so foreign to me. (Not because they're European, but the most thought I put into clothing is like "can I keep wearing this or have the holes reached critical mass?") I think there is an EXPECTATION that they wear OTT hats.

HAT META! YES! It's like the hat has its own hat and in true high hat fashion, it's clinging to the side of the hat's head. OR... something.

LOL, YES THAT COULD GET CONFUSING! CAN YOU CALL IT AYLONDAR OR IS THAT THE NAME OF THEIR SON? What, hdu imply that the Clan of the Cave Bear is mostly porn? IT IS THE GREAT STORY OF OUR PREHISTORIC ANCESTORS, CORRECT IN EVERY DETAIL. Heh. I actually read them when I was about 10. It was recommended to me by a teacher!


bloodbeauty April 8 2011, 10:32:08 UTC
you might want to check out Ursula Vernon's review of Land of painted Caves http://ursulav.livejournal.com/1443642.html


kaizoku April 8 2011, 16:18:39 UTC
Thanks for the tip! I will not be buying this book, that's for sure.


bloodbeauty April 8 2011, 16:25:37 UTC
you're welcome, i gave up like a third into the second book. i kind of want to find a book that deals with neolithic and cro magnon man meeting that doesn't suck, but i'm not sure if it will exist


suckmyglock April 11 2011, 02:11:02 UTC
Ahahaha, +1000000000000000 for the crazy hats, I just sent the Queen of Denmark to my friend on skype and we cackled like loons for ages.


delurker April 11 2011, 13:08:27 UTC
omg the hats. Awesome.


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