Kristen what the hell dude? I'm not the one who is acting up. And I still wanted to be your friend!! That would be my feeling... I would never be like YAY!! KRISTEN... again type thing. I would just be like how I USUALLY around my friends! It was nothing personal. And I'm not acting up Kristen, and this isn't more drama. You just LEFT me again... just signed off. Now seriously... who's acting up? And don't get mad at me for saying it...becuase it hurts and makes you pissed for me to tell you that your acting up, doesn't it? Take a step back... and chill. Put yourself on the receiving end. I can't help it that you have this fixtation about older girls being all ready to settle and there less drama. That's so bull shit... I just hope that you know what your doin'. And passin' up someone like me.. I seriously do. It's too bad that you just left... well, I guess since you think I'm "shit tasticular" have a good life, since you didn't even tell me that. Real friends would of told you good life, and good luck with finding your "soul mate."
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