Now that that's out of the way, I don't know what to do about River Song. For one thing, while the Doctor inspires wrath, reckless determination, and a healthy dose of trepidation in Daleks, River Song can make them cry for mercy. Does anyone else think this does not bode well? If a Dalek is overcome by a terror so great it resorts to crying for mercy what does that say of the object and/or person inspiring that fear? At this point, I think we'd do well to be equally, if not more so, scared and wary of River Song. On the one hand, cool! River Song is Badass. On the other hand, we know almost nothing about her except for some heavy implications that she is possibly romantically involved with the Doctor (also, she's a criminal; we must not forget that little tidbit). She's a wild card, really, and she left us an ominous note about the next time we may encounter her--which was something along the lines of "everything changes next time we meet." And she said it in a vaguely threatening, mostly disappointed manner. However, if she says "spoilers" one more time I may have to find an armada of Wraith and sic them on her (why, yes, I am crossing fandoms; I'm sure Rodney Mckay would kill for a chance to meet the Doctor).
So, I'm wary of River. What the hell was she jailed for anyway? I don't even remember if they mentioned it or not. I have a feeling it was something about theft...
As for the rest of the two-part episode: I <3 Rory so much. The faithful Roman centurion who waited thousands of years for the Pandorica to open once again. Can I get an "aawwwww"? Normally, I'm not much of a romantic because my cynical streak when it comes to most interpersonal relationships (fictional or not) is a mile wide but...Rory is a sweetheart and so devoted. I'd almost say that he's too good for Amy except that Amy needs his presence as much as Rory needs hers. (And, really, my inner slasher helpfully points out that a Doctor x Rory fling wouldn't be so bad except for I'm not a fan of polygamous romances and Amy x Rory has captured my attention so I'd feel bad cutting Amy out of the picture). Not to mention that Amy knows all about waiting.
Also, Amy saved the universe *grin*. The Doctor's Companions seem to do that a lot. (I'd like to point out that I've loved every one of his companions except for Rose--I'd also like to point out that Amy and Martha are both much prettier than Rose while Donna is just more awesome than Rose in every aspect). I really like Amy. And the exchange she had with Rory before their wedding "Are you just saying that because you're afraid of me?" "Yep." Rory is a smart man; Amy really is a force to be reckoned. That's why those two work so well with Eleven. The Doctor's the brain, Rory's the heart, and Amy's...well, I suppose Amy is the rest of the body--the vessel, so to speak. They're all just fantastically brilliant together.
Oh, did anyone else find the idea of a star-less night sky to be incredibly creepy? I can't even imagine it properly. Although the idea of an exploding TARDIS for a sun has its merits, I'd much rather keep the stars and a non-exploding TARDIS.
Also, the Doctor's dancing is hilarious. And the fact that he thinks a bow tie and fez are cool. (But, really, he's the Doctor; he can make anything cool.)
I realize that this post is not very organized but it's four in the morning and I just finished watching the last Doctor Who episode. I haven't really had time to process it beyond "Wow, awesome."