And if you should feel the need to drop everything and bake, please feel free to do it with me

Jul 24, 2006 23:52

Random Questions 3 (:-- Someday I'll put these questions in order. --What did you want to be when you were young?:A veterinarian What do you like to do when you're home alone?:watch kids's shows at high volumes If you had a choice, would you choose to live in a different family?:no Do you think you're popular?:no Do you think people notice you?:sometimes Do you get whistled at frequently?:not really Do you get dates easily?:I don't date much, so I guess no Do you think you have a positive influence on people around you?:occasionally Do you care what you look like?:yes, absolutely Do you often change clothes during the day?:yes How many songs do you know all the words to? (not even a word out of place):too many to count- I have a good memory for lyrics Are you afraid of thunderstoms?:no What are some things you have stolen?:makeup, a ring How often do you think about the opposite sex?:relatively often Are you afraid of heights?:no ...Flying in airplanes?:no ...Roller coasters?:no Have you ever flown by yourself?:no How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?:too long- at least 40 minutes Are you nocturnal?:somewhat How much sleep do you NEED to function reasonably well the next day?:8 hours Do you feel dizzy/lightheaded on a daily basis?:yes Do you like seafood?:yes Are you vegetarian for reasons other than the animals' well-being?:no How much water do you drink on an average day?:a couple glasses How many calories do you consume on average? (daily):1400 Do you get sore throats in the morning?:sometimes What is your worst habit that you just can't give up?:smoking Do you like fruit flavored candy?:love it to death Do you think grape flavored things are disgusting?:no Have you ever eaten a lemon by itself?:yes Do you call people on the phone a lot?:yes Do you have acne?:not really Do little things tend to bother you more than important things?:they bother me equally Do you go to summer camps?:not anymore Do you feel self-conscious wearing shorts?:yes Have you ever belonged to a gang?:no Do you know anyone in a gang?:i did Don't you think it would be fun to be a gangster?:in the same way everyone does, just a little Do you keep secrets from your family?:yes Do you shop for yourself?:a lot of the time Are you comfortable with your weight?:not really Is your stomach growling?:no Ever picked up a hitchhiker?:Almost! Then a cop came by. It was raining a lot though Is your name on any bathroom walls?:One, but I put it there in a "Lauren was here" way Do you like to write your name places?:sometimes How much money do you usually carry with you?:about $15 Do you ever inflict pain on yourself as 'punishments'?:no Do you have an accent other people find interesting?:I wish, but no Do other people find your voice annoying?:I think they must What do you do on friday nights?:anything that involves driving for long distances Do you have a passport?:yes Do you like your passport/personal I.D./driver's liscense picture?:yes! I really do. I look kind of cute and scared What kind of music do you listen to?:rock, reggaeton, some pop, some rap How many songs are on your computer?:not many- I just wiped the harddrive How many songs have you listened to today?:at least 50 Do your clothes fit loose, tight, or just right?:all three, depending Would you eat a cockroach for $500?:YES I need the money Have you ever killed one of your teeth?:.... I have no idea Do you swear depending on who you're around?:yes Have you lost weight recently?:yes! Thanks for noticing. Have you been away from home recently?:Not really. Are you chewing gum?:No Would you rather be by yourself or with people?:Depends Take this survey | Find more surveys
You've been totally Bzoink*d

So the Narragansett Blockbuster has neither The Blair Witch Project or Primal Fear (?!) so I'm left to updating Livejournal on a Monday night.

Want some amazing cookies? Go here: and make them. Your whole life will look a little bit prettier, I promise, emo kids.

If you want to support Rhody Rides, go to the Blessing of the Fleet on Friday/Saturday and check us out, we'll have a booth there. I'll be manning it both days, and if you come see me, I'll give you special discounts on our AMAZING baked goods. The Blessing of the Fleet is cool, the booths and tents they have set up there are cool, and stopping drunk driving in South County is FANTASTIC, so come on down. We're down there working hard for a cause we believe in, please come and support us! {end pimpage}
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