[[Hey all, just posting the highlights from the ULTIMATE BAKING COMPETITION OF ULTIMATE DESTINY :D ]]
OhMyGai: *raises a dynamic sexy brow* o_O Aha. I know who my Rival is. *does a ballerina twirl and lands pointing at Kakashi* You. See? :D *proud of himself*
Kakaclaw: You ah correct sir. And now.... *disappears with DBZ-calibur speed, you know like when they are too lazy to animate them going really fast and just make it like "omg he's going so fast you can't see him, we'll just draw lines everywhere", but Kakashi is that awesome and he really is going that fast. *_* And yeah, he reappears behind Gai, his back turned to him in a super-cool-ninja way*
Kakaclaw: ...
Kakaclaw: ...we bake.
Kakaclaw: *completely serious*
OhMyGai: >_> *looks behind him and gasps in shock* :O *would do the lazy DBZ punching where they just go "hya hyah yah yaahgagaag" and they just are supposed to be punching so fast but all you see is lines too T_T* >O!!! *chef hat glows a brilliant green* *pulls it over his head and disappears because it's like THE INVISIBLE CLOAK*
OhMyGai: *is going to run around kakashi and create a tornado or something but he just runs into a statue*
OhMyGai: *falls down, visible*
OhMyGai: ......
OhMyGai: >_>; ...*sits up* ...Yes. Baking.
OhMyGai: I was just testing my ...dynamic..retard..cover.
Kakaclaw: *sweatdrop*
OhMyGai: ....*jumps to his feet* >D
Kakaclaw: Um yeah so anyway. LET THE BAKING BEGIN! *throws his scroll down on the floor, and this huge poof of smoke swirls up from where they fell. scary dragons and tigers roaring for sound effects, along with a faint "The Final Countdown" playing in the background. you know, that song they play on the Superbowl*
Kakaclaw: *the smoke clears to reveal two hunched over elves rolling out squeaky, shitty ovens. they squeak and run away as Kakashi sweatdrops*
Kakaclaw: TOO SLOW! *throws eggbeater at them, turns to gai and grins* Um... that was... supposed to be like that.
OhMyGai: *Stares in awe at the awesomeness his rival shows* o_o ...Ah. Such supreme talent you show, Rival. *_* *silently fanboys and a few hearts float above his head* Ah~ but you are too cocky for not even having seen what I have in store for you ^_~ *winks and crosses his arms, then blinks like the girl from I Dream of Genie*
OhMyGai: ..*and nothing happens*
OhMyGai: ..........
OhMyGai: I...uh...aha..^_^; You see....*wiggles his nose like Samantha from Bewitched*
OhMyGai: .............
OhMyGai: *puts his finger up* Um..wait just a minute?
Kakaclaw: *dies of cute on the inside, sweatdrops on the outside*
OhMyGai: >_> *runs behind a statue*
OhMyGai: *gets out his cell*
OhMyGai: Mom?
OhMyGai: Can you call the house elves?
OhMyGai: Okay thank you <3
OhMyGai: *closes the cell phone and puts it back in his robes* >_>;
OhMyGai: *peeks his head out and waits for the elves to come*
Kakaclaw: *the sweatdrop threatens to engulf his head*
OhMyGai: *the Keebler elves come*
OhMyGai: *and there's that CRAZY!!11 TEENAGED!!! one*
OhMyGai: *and he's all "HEY DEWDSZZ!!!!1"*
OhMyGai: *and everyone thinks he's so good to reach out to the kids*
OhMyGai: :D
OhMyGai: >D
OhMyGai: *jumps out from behind the statue and points* AHA!!
OhMyGai: *rubs his hands together menacingly*
OhMyGai: *or because he's putting on some lotion <3*
OhMyGai: *gotta keep fresh and youthful <3*
Kakaclaw: *lotion........................ *__* *
OhMyGai: u_u Ah. And so you see. You will be dynamically owned.
OhMyGai: By me.
OhMyGai: :D
OhMyGai: IF I DO NOT WIN THIS BAKING COMPETITION, THEN I WILL BECOME YOUR SLAVE FOR AN ENTIRE THREE DAYS!! MEANING I WILL POST WHATEVER YOU WANT ME TO POST IN MY AWESOME HIP TEENAGE LIVEJOURNAL, AND *_* Um. I'll do ..things. :D *innocent smile* *well that looks like this ">D" because Gai always looks mean when he smiles but he doesn't mean to it's a defense mechanism because he's so ..tragic.*
Kakaclaw: TH... Things? *perks up like a dog whose name has been called*
Kakaclaw: *in more ways than one*
Kakaclaw: *quickly takes an elf and stands him in front of him*
Kakaclaw: ALRIGHT. But wait, what if you DO win?
OhMyGai: Then you make up your own punishments, Kakashi. :O *takes a keebler elf and stands on it's head, posing*
Kakaclaw: OKAY. Well then if I LOSE then... um... well, I guess you can do the same things to me. I MEAN not saying you're going to DO anything to me, necessarily, but if you WANTED to... well, you know... you could *blushes, finger traces circles on the top of the elf's head coquettishly*
Kakaclaw: Alright, now what? I mean... how do we judge which is best? eventhoughmineistotallythebestanyway
OhMyGai: T_T I'll bring in the best judge of character EVER. That's how!!
OhMyGai: *claps* *takes his cake out of the oven*
OhMyGai: *it has a little kakashi bride on it*
OhMyGai: *and a Gai groom*
OhMyGai: *and it's like chocolate and delicious*
Kakaclaw: ...oh that's just wrong. D<
OhMyGai: *taps his wand* Accious Flavoris!!! >_>
OhMyGai: *Flava Flav appears*
OhMyGai: He is the best judge of character. Ever. *_*
OhMyGai: Flava Flav: FLAVAA FLAAV!!!
OhMyGai: ....That's all he can say.
OhMyGai: Usually.
Kakaclaw: ...but how the hell can he taste anything? I mean, look at those teeth! Anything he eats is just going to taste like metal and bleeding gums!
OhMyGai: T_T HEY!!! JUST LET HIM LIVE THE WAY HE WANTS!!! *watches Flava of Love every night even though it doesn't come on every night*
OhMyGai: *hands Flava Flav a peice of cake*
OhMyGai: *_* Here you go.
OhMyGai: Flava Flav: I'll call you BROWS.
OhMyGai: .....
OhMyGai: >_> Aha. >_>;
Kakaclaw: *looks back and forth from Gai to Flav, steps between them and pulls Gai to him possessively while giving Flav -the eye-. oh you know what I'm talking about*
Kakaclaw: There will be no cute nicknaming of Gai.
OhMyGai: Hey!! You already gave that nickname to someone!
Kakaclaw: What the. Wait, that doesn't even make any sense.
OhMyGai: Flava Flav: >_>; ...
OhMyGai: ......
OhMyGai: Flava Flav: ...FLAVA FLAAAV!!
Kakaclaw: *stabs him*
OhMyGai: :O!!!!
OhMyGai: *thinks Kakashi is so gangster*
OhMyGai: I'll stay here and play strip poker with the kids.
OhMyGai: *nudges Sakura and Lee*
OhMyGai: I was kidding. Don't call the police.
OhMyGai: *is in a dominatrix outfit* *or not*
Kakaclaw: Wait what the - ohholyshitthat'shot *nosebleed*
OhMyGai: >_> *cracks whip and steps on Kakashi's chest with stiletto heals* *has legwarmers still* *leather ones*