This latest episode of Black Cat was... like an episode out my dreams! I LOVE YOU, BLACK CAT. YOU MAKE US FOLLOWERS OF THE CANON PAIRING, SVEN/EVE, VERY HAPPY.
Okay, so the episodes starts off with the whole Sweeper gang returning from their arduous battle with the Apostles/Disciples of the Stars(Hoshi no Shito). Back in episode... 18, I think, there was this adorable little girl that asked Lightning-kun/Spikey/River-kun to save her parents, cuz their stuck at the island where Hoshi no Shito decided to set up camp. Well, in this episode, she's reunited with her parents. Much cuteness ensues.
The girl is just adorable, but anyway, Eve looks solemnly at Ellie with her family.
That's Eve talking in the first bubble. She seems so sad. *End scene, cue intro song*
Okay, so after the intro we turn to Rinslet looking up some information on a secret project called "Eden." She unlocks some files and discovers that it's connected to Eve in some way, but the only person she can find is a certain doctor, Lunatique Tearju, who was hospitalized during the project. The location of the where she's hospitalized, however, is password protected. She tries and tries, and the scene ends with her hard at work, typing in words related to the project. *Next scene, hoi!*
Chronos Headquarters is being destroyed! What is this? Mason (The leader of Chronos) and 3 more are having a standoff with Sephiria and Belze (Cool people=good). That Mason and his men are evil! They're siding with the Apostles of the Stars rather than locking 'em up! Ah, tis a sad day for the people we thought fought for justice regardless of the means.
Back to the good guys (or at least, the main characters) who are at bar, drinking beer! Except Train, of course, who'd take milk over beer any day. They're all talking about how things went well and whatnot. What-his-name (Woodney) is all relieved about them coming back, and who should return but, Annette, Sven's old pal. (Pun intended) Seems she blew into town when she heard they were after Creed's huge bounty. Speaking of bounty, it seems that they won't be getting a bounty for any of the Hoshi no Shito! What the fudge, you ask? Well, it seems like Train willingly gave the Apostles of the Stars to Chronos, meaning none of the sweepers get their money. At first it got real silent... hehe, even Sven admits that he feels their pain, but Eve quickly breaks the silence. She says that they are strong, not even losing to the Apostles of the stars; their next jobs will go flawlessly. Moved by her words (or coming to terms with the fact that they work for pride, not money) the other Sweepers laugh it off and decide that all that matters was they they cleaned up the trash. It seems first-rate sweepers work above money: they're different from the rest.
Okay, onto more caps! Sven and Eve are left alone in the bar the next morning. This next scene's topic is very similair to a part in the manga. (Something I'm very glad they kept)
Sven is worried about Eve's future. As stated in that cap there, he thinks that a Sweeper's life is too unpredictable and that Eve deserves a life where she can live like a normal girl, going to school and making friends her age, etc.
Eve, of course, wants to stay With Sven, no duh. She tells him that she wants to be free, yet still, Sven remains Ignorant with his point. He insists that she should really go to school and get a good education, that he'll even pay for it... (Maybe Sven didn't have a fancy education growing up? He seems to stress the school thing a lot)
Not being able to take it anymore, Eve walks out on him. Sven is really just too dense at times. He needs to admit that he and Eve are meant for each other! True love prevails over all, even 17 year age differences! So yeah, Eve leaves the bar, passing Train on her way out. Train's asks what's wrong and Sven simply answers "It's nothing."
*ehem* Yes well, I'm very detailed with those scenes, so let me just sum up what happens next (Seeing as how I'm not even half way through the episode yet) Eve goes off to random pier to clear her thoughts. She starts feeding some seagulls with little bits of bread which reminds her of the first time she met Sven, when he used their Ice Cream cones to feed some birds at a park. This was the first time Eve ever felt that she could do something other than bring death with her existence.
They promised! +3+
She sits at the pier, thinking of Sven. (Beautiful background music plays) The suddenly, the birds are scared away. She turns around with a feeling of hope in her, "it must be Sven!" she must have thought. Yet, the truth was not as beautiful.
Behind her is... that guy! The Doctor from the Apostles of the Stars. He came in to capture Eve, and while she shows signs of resistence at first, he comes out with a chip board that disables her will over her nanomachines, rendering her body out of her control. He tells her that this plate is the improved version of the plate that was used on her back at Torneo's place and that she won't be able to free herself from this one. Now Eve will become the final piece for "Eden" the project the new allied Chronos and Hoshi no Shito are going to resurrect!
Okay. I have officially written enough to be more than an entire episode, yet the commercial break comes now. Yes, I am that detailed and that into this episode. So, if you're actually going to read all of it and see all the caps, you might have wanted to click the first cut. The second cut was just to help my eyes.
The second half of the episode starts us with Xiao Lee, the Orichalcon-sash-wielding bishounen. He's come up to the site where Belze and Sephiria were last seen. Of course, this place is now a cataclysmic-sized crater. No surprise, Jenos seems to have showed up late along with Lee and says that this must have been the spot they were called to, judging by the damage. Jenos also says that while David (one of the less important Chronos', I guess) was found dead and that he himself bueried him. Even though Sephiria and Belze were around aswell, Jenos says that he doubts they've been killed because they are a lot stronger than that. Suddenly, they hear a rustling near by and decide to take a look. What they find is Sephiria and Belze, protected by a strange, black, wolf-like dog they call "Anubis." The dog bears the roman numeral VI, meaning that he is probably Number 6's weapon. (Does that mean he's made out of Orichalcon? lol)
*scene change*
We're back with Rinslet! She's still going at that password, trying everything science-related that comes to her mind. Just as she's about to call it a lost cause, she remembers something she found on a Disk when she went to save Eve. The disk, while blank, had something strange written on it.
That's right. "Tips on how to make rolled omelets without turning it into Toxic Waste" (Something that I might add, Tearju is unable to do. Her omelettes are gross)
But anyway, she enters an omelette related password and Bam! She's got the hospital and decides to check it out. Getting is as Tearju's "cousin" the doctor warns her that she may not remember her because the accident envolving the Eden project seems to have given her amnesia. She and the doctor enter the room, only to find that she's not in bed. At this time, Rins also notices that there's no mirror in her room, just a sillhouette of it on the wall. The smashing of glass is heard and then a calls saying that 'the patienet from room 303' has become agitated from looking at herself in the mirror again. Rins runs over to see and find that, lo and behold, patient 303, Tearju Lunatique, looks (at least from behind) identical to Eve!
No lie.Tun, Tun, TUN *scene change*
We find Sven, Train and Annette at the bar. Sven's acting worried, yet his pride seems to be keeping from going after Eve. Foolish pride! Sven tells Annette and Train what he said to Eve and Annete's real disappointed in him. Sven says that he's only looking out for Eve's future but Annete returns saying that he's being a coward, running away from Eve. She says that he obviously wasn't taking into consideration Eve's feelings, even after being the one who said that "Eve is human, not some weapon." Sven thinks about how she has a point but is snapped out by Train. "Let's go and meet up with the princess, then." So basically he gets Sven off his pride-ridden ass and makes him get up to find her.
*scene change*
The doc explains how this new device they've hooked on Eve works. It basically states that not only can they control her transformation, but now she will only follow their orders and all her emotions and memories will be sealed off. (Basically, it removes her humanity) Again they emphasize on how important Eve is to their "Eden" project and on how Tearju created her to bring paradise. (I know exactly what they're talking about and why Eve looks so much like Tearju, it's a spoiler so you'll have to ask me)
*scene change*
We're back with Sven and Train! I'm gonna stick a cap here just because I think Sven is so adorable when he's worried about Eve.
Okay so, Sven and Train are looking for Eve around the town when they run into Ellie and her father. As you can see in the above cap, Ellie's father mentions seeing her by the docks with some 'guy in a white coat' who he thinks looks like a doctor. Gasp! It's the Apostle of the Stars' Doctor! Sven get's all "Where? Do you know where they went!?" and we get a nice scene change to Hoshi not Shito's Helicopter. Here, we see Shiki, the bug master Taoist, removing part of his/her (I think Shiki's a girl...) bandages, making her look more human than the bandaged up monster she used to look like. She's on her way to warehouse where Eve and the rest of the bad guys are waiting for the helicopter. And so, Mason starts talking more about how Eve is the final piece needed for Eden and whatnot. It gets kinda of redundant just because of how obsessed this guy is with Eve's powers. It's a nice time to take in the beautiful artwork and color style in Eve's eyes. Ah, but what's this? Who should appear to save the day, but Sven!
Well, not exactly immediately saving the day; the warehouse is very dark and it seems like the badguys want to have a little fun messing with him. Regardless, Sven finally catches up to Eve. She's sitting on a pile of boxes, obviously looking out into nothing. Sven calls her, but she won't answer. It's like she can't even see him. He tries to talk to her, but finally noticed the red plate on her abdomen. It's the same thing Torneo used back then! Now the Doctor appears ready to mess with Sven head, he tells him that Eve no longer wants to go with Sven, that she belongs to them now. Sven, not wanting to believe this, tries to go over to Eve and hopefully remove the plate from her. On his way upm, he's attacked, but Train manages to reflect the attack! The attack came from the Former Chronos' members! They won't relent!
It's at this point that it becomes clear, these three members of Chronos are allied to the Apostles of the Stars. The information continues to be given to them as the Doctor tells them that they have known Eve for much longer, that they know everything about her. Sven can't believe this! There's no way they know anything about Eve and her feelings! (Now is a good time to think back that just a few hours ago, Sven himself was not being very thoughtful as to Eve's feelings) Regardless, Mason appears, taking responsibilty for all these evil deeds. He calls Eve, now she will only follow his orders. Sven can't take it! They're going to use Eve as a weapon again! A weapon to kill them this time!
The order is issued and Eve attacks! The warehouse now has a huge hole in it, where the getawaycar Helicopter arrives to pick up the evil-doers. Just as they're about to leave, Sven and Train seem to have survived! Coincidence? I think not Sven stands up and runs up to Eve in a final attept at reaching her, but swiftly Mason deals out an order!
She attacks him! Oh, he looks so hurt! This episode is so painful to watch!
An with that, the episode ends. Things are looking bleak for Sven and Eve, but their love has never shone brighter! <3
To sum it up,
download the episode now.
And also, I find it insulting how many times they use the word "Eden" and "Rakuen" during this episode. It makes me think that they're defiling Wolfwood's (And Trigun's) Best Episode.