Title: Card Captor Kimira (I.E. xxxHOLiC/CCS)
Characters: As much as I can crack in. I'm considering adding TRC or Legal Drug folks.
Chapter: Prologue
Rating: PG. It is a thing with CCS so it shouldn't be too bad. (I slipped in the word hell this time, gasp!)
Shipping: Toumeki/Kimira xDD (And again, anything else I can think of)
Summary: Kimira
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Comments 13
If you asked him, he'd tell you his favorite school subjects, but he was alone in his room so there was no need to talk to himself right now.
Loved that line. That's one of the thinks that greatly annoyed me in many older shoujo-mangas.
Kero... kono... berus .. my ass. XD
I couldn't think of a way to merge that either.
Yeah! I was watching it ans Sakura kept talking to the audience and I was like "Psh! Watanuki does not internally ramble! He rambles externally!"
Kekona will just have to forever remain little. When it turns big it'll turn into... KUROGANE. YES...! And Spinel will be Fai!
You made my day.
( ... )
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