Title: It's Just Pretend
kaladhwen, aka
Mia, aka Alliana, aka...well, you get the idea.
Fandom: Star Wars, post-NJO
Rating: PG, pretty much.
Characters: Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, OC
Genre: romance, humor
Keywords: K/J, romance, humor
Summary: Jaina is forced to take interesting steps to avoid unwanted attentions from a visiting politician's son.
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Comments 4
*with glee*
Holy crap, Rune creeps me out and I can't frigging wait to imagine Kyp's face when...well. ;) Hee, I love this fic. XD
But heee!! I'm so glad you like it! And bwahahaha to Rune creeping you out, I love how everyone hates him. And hehehe, yes, I can't wait to post more of the story and hee. But, a couple scenes in chapter 4 added themselves all on their own and I'm trying to *connect* them but they won't connect -- I think you know what I mean, writing random scenes as they come to you and then going back later and connecting them.
Anyway. Heee!
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