I just want to say Happy new year as it already happened over here. 2006 was a very good year up to the very end. I hope everybody has a good 2007.
My new years eve has been shit again. This time its the same reason as 2004 new years eve being shit. If you don't remember what happened then, no biggie. Life goes on. I hope this isn't going to become a pattern.
2006 retrospective:
Jan-Aug - Worked at Berkeley.(school name) Had a fun time working in Korea
Feb - Started dating Dana
May - Very low key birthday
Aug - Went back to Canada and took a cruise in the Mediterranean.
Sep - Went back to Korea for a few days. Started my S.E Asia trip. Traveled Thailand
Oct - Traveled Thailand and Malaysia.
Nov - Traveled Malaysia and Cambodia. Arrived back to Korea
Dec - Got a new job and moved to my new area. Met some really cool people already.
On Christmas I went to say goodbye to my friend Sam who has just left for his own 3 month trip. We went to a potluck Christmas dinner where everybody who made food made chicken for some reason. Lots of fun was had by all. He is my last friend from last year to leave Korea, it won't be the same without him.
I have been on my winter vacation this past week. From wed - fri I went on a ski trip with some work friends. It was a lot of fun, but it got really cold. On the last day it was -25 when we woke up and the pipes in the house were frozen. We decided to not ski that day and left a little earlier than we originally planned.