Because I Was Bored of that Bird

Nov 02, 2008 01:38

And because Emily and XB did it, too, of course... but mostly because of the bird.  And it's fun to track how these answers change over time.  Without further blabbering...

99 Things About Me

. : START : .
1. Name: Casey aka Cassaundra
2. Middle Name: Jenis
3. State: California - for now.
4. Place of Birth: Long Beach, CA
6. Male or Female: Female
7. Bus: Ha!  Not if I can help it.  I like the DC metro though.
8. School: UCLA Law
9. Occupation: Law student, gay rights activist, politics wonk.
10. Initials: CJP
11. Screen Name: Kalenedral14 - hasn't changed since junior high, though I also registered SenatorEvanBayh for class once.

.. Your Appearance : .

12. Hair Color: Brown
13. Hair Length: Moderately long
14. Eye color: Greenish
15. Best Feature: No idea.
16. Height: 5'10" or 5'11"
17. Braces?: Never, but it might have been a good idea
18. Glasses? Yep - love the green metal frames.
19. shoe size? 10 or 11, or 42 in birkenstocks
20. Diploma?: West High School, Claremont McKenna College, and soon (hopefully) UCLA School of Law

. : Your Firsts : .

22. First best friend: Tracy Hadnott - two tallest girls at E.W. Ward Elementary, named Casey and Tracy.  It was good times.
23. First Award: I'm going to guess it was something academic...
24. First Sport You Joined: Softball, when I was 5 years old.
25. First thing you did today?: Winced at the splitting headache I had.
26. First Real vacation: Palm Springs?
27. First thing you said today: "Good morning.  No, I'm not awake yet."
28. First Love: Indeterminate

. : Favorites : .

29. Movie: As a genre, I'd go with comic book hero flicks.
30. TV Show: Going by the number of seasons I've purchased, Buffy.  Xena is also right up there, and CSI: Miami comes in third with iTunes downloads.
31. color: It's always been blue, but other earth tones are creeping in, like warm greens and browns.
32. Rapper: Eminem, purely for 8 Mile and Lose Yourself.  Freshman year college theme song.
33. Place to get groceries: Any grocery store I can walk to, preferably open 24/7
34. Food: Comfort.  See also cheesecake
35. Season: Indian Summer
36. Candy: See's orange chocolate truffles.  White chocolate mint is also wonderful (thank you Steph Ward for that addiction)
37. Sport: Basketball
38. Restaurant: I haven't really settled down enough to have one - though I do love the big truckstop on I-80 just west of the Mississippi river.
40. Store: I don't shop nearly enough to have an answer to this.  Oh wait - Guitar Center!
41. School Subject: Government, History, or British Literature
42. Animal: Siamese cats - yet I still go a little giddy when I see horses.
43. Book: Dear lord, I have no idea.  Fantasy novels still win, though.
44. Magazine: Acoustic Guitar - I'm even a subscriber!

. : Currently : .
45. Doing before you started this survey: Watching Tom Lehrer on YouTube with friends before going to a wedding.
46. Feeling: Pretty decent.  Dressed reasonably fancy, which is always a little strange.
47. Wearing: Olive green Jones New York suit, orange/rust wrap shirt with a white tank underneath, black shoes. 
48. Crying: Nope - and I have to agree with Em, if I was upset to the point of crying, I don't think a web survey would be my preferred means of feeling better.
49. Eating: Taquitos
50. Drinking: Nothing at the moment.
51. Typing: No, staring at a truly silly question.
53. Listening To: Special features extra footage from Dawn of the Dead
54. Thinking about: Trying to figure out how I'm going to deal with missing election day outreach training tonight.
55. Wanting: To get on the road.
56. Watching: Still Dawn of the Dead footage.  Really good - for a zombie movie.

. : Future : .
57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: DC, doing some kind of advocacy work, maybe pushing for marriage equality in the Midwest if I'm really lucky.
58. Kids: Having just spent a wonderful morning teaching a bunch of teenagers about God, sex and other important things, I'm even more sure that I want to foster someday.  As to adopting or otherwise having kids, it depends on my partner, but it's not an unattractive thought.
59. Want to be Married: Yes, very much so.  What, you think I'm doing all this activism work out of altruism or something? *grins*
60. Career in Mind: Advocacy, justice work... there are lots of potential paths.  Right now my specializations include GLBT issues, elections law, national security and international human rights and humanitarian law.  Anything in those fields would be great.

. : Which is Better with the Opposite Sex : . (Who cares?  I'm answering the spirit of the question, which means I'm applying it to the ladies.)
63. Hair color: Despite being teased for liking blonde actresses, in real life I tend to fall for brunettes.  Don't really know why.
64. Hair length: Longer - there aren't that many folks who can get away with the butch haircuts, and those who try usually aren't my type anyway.
65. Eye color: Again, I seem to have a pattern of liking brown-eyed girls, but it isn't something I look for or particularly care about.  I think every color can be beautiful, and what really makes 'em special are when those eyes show me intelligence, kindness, humor and depth.
66. Measurements: You want the shallow answer?  Dancers are the hottest girls out there.  Athletic is no bad thing, either.
67. Cute or sexy: I'm with Em on this one - the two aren't mutually exclusive, and I've rarely met an attractive girl who couldn't be both depending on circumstance.
68. Lips or Eyes: Eyes - see above.
69. Hugs or Kisses: Both, thank you.
70. Short or Tall: Shorter than me, usually - there aren't many girls taller, so that's always a little weird to run into.  Nothing against somebody of the same height, though.
71. Easygoing or serious: I can be really intense and serious sometimes, so a joyful, light-hearted spirit is really attractive to me.
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Since where are these opposites?  Spontaneity can be quite romantic.  I'll take either, so long as its genuine.
73. Good or Bad: Give me a good girl with a slightly crooked halo. *grins*
74. Sensitive or spontaneous? Again, these aren't opposites.  If I had to choose, though, I'll take sensitive.  I think I'll need it.
75. Hook-up or Relationship: I don't have it in me to do hook-ups... and I think people deserve more than that anyway.  So yeah, relationships anyday.
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Tired of complaining about the choices... shy girls intrigue me, and my SoulforceQ side loves somebody who's willing to make trouble for a good cause.

. : Have You Ever : .
78. Kissed a Stranger: Not my style.
79. Had major surgery: Nope
80. Gone commando: Nyet
81. Ran Away From Home: Yes, kind of.
82. Broken a bone: Yep, both bones in my ankle while sliding into second base.
83. Got an X-ray: X-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds... for a fundamentally healthy person, I've had plenty of interesting tests done.
84. Been on a cruise: Not yet.  Alaska sounds like fun, though.
85. Broken Someone's Heart: Broken, no.  Maybe dented one or two, but not intentionally, certainly.
86. Dumped someone: dumped, no. Rejected, yes.
87. Cried When Someone Died: of course
88. Cried At School: Yeah.  Tough times (and since Em drew the distinction, yes, both on campus and in class a few times).

. : Do You Believe In : .
89. God: Yes.
90. Miracles: Absolutely.  Particularly miracles of the heart, changes and choices that can't be explained otherwise.
91. Love at First Sight: No, but I do believe that I can tell within seconds of meeting somebody if they're somebody I could fall for.
92. Ghosts: Not particularly.
93. Aliens: I believe aliens are possible. I do not believe we currently have any evidence of them.
94. Soul Mates: Sometimes.
95. Heaven: Yes.
96. Hell: Sort of.  It's not something I think about much.
97. Answered prayers: Yes - and those, I've seen and felt.
98. Kissing on The First Date: I don't see anything wrong with it, but I'm shy enough that I doubt I ever would.  However, if I really liked the girl and she initiated it, I probably wouldn't turn away. *grins*
99. Horoscopes: Nah.

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