... but I don't care, cause now I finally got my workout equipment indoors. ^w^ *squee!*
It took a bit of thinking and creative use of what resources I had at my disposal, but I was able to engineer an arrangement that lets me make the most of my limited space, and is still passably safe to live in. ^^;
This is the "cave" where I'll be keeping my pc and desk now. Still need to get a little attachable desk lamp for it, as it is reasonably dark in the shade of my room's normal light. XD You can bet Regi already made the cracks about me now having my own little "Fort" xD
The main reason WHY I went to all this trouble. The drawback to having sufficient workout equipment is that you need a place to PUT it all in. I still need to recover my full-body mirror from my sister's room where she jacked it, cause I know a rule of workouts is to be able to check your form and progress. ;3 Plus a little vanity never hurt anyone~
Ironically, after a little cleaning and getting rid of useless things, now I have MORE space than I actually need for my stuff. Lol, and I finally have someplace semiprivate to stash all my furry materials of questionable nature~ Below are my fitness and weird science magazines. No, I don't keep porn mags, who the hell keeps porn mags in this day and age?? Well, other than Bill Clinton...
Don't worry, the bed arrangement is rather secure. There are 6 15-cm bolts holding it to the wall, the L-supports are re-enforced metal and on top of that, I got my biker brawl chains holding it to the top of the wardrobe, with that extremely fashionable plank underneath for extra support, safety and ghetto-ness...
...shut up, I heard that. ¬¬
Of course, I need a way to get up and down from my high and mighty slumber unit, and I get to showcase my new plastic storage unit that helps me keep my shit further organized. No, I will not open my closet, the skeletons are all extremely camera-shy. ^^
Also, shut up, I know the ladder looks like something out of a zombie-Apocalypse Better Homes and Gardens, but its perfectly functional and I'm not gonna dish out more cash to get a new one. ¬¬ Who do I look like? Sailor Martha?
And finally, the way out of this lair of shame and thrift. Yup, that shinny gear over thar is my safety vest from work. Not that it would do much to keep some of our usual customers from running us over...
Anyway, there you have it. My room now finally has all it needs. Well, sans a certain loud-mouthed, brown-furred wolf with a platano in his pants ;3 Hopefully now I'll have no more excuses for not working out, and I'll start packing some muscle onto my frame. Stay safe, guys! ^^