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Jun 13, 2011 12:21

This is the dopest shit I have see (or rather, heard) in a really long time. It's from Wallpaper, and the track name is #STUPiDFACEDD. Yes, hash tag and all. I can't get get this song out of my head. It doesn't hurt that the hilarious video has a bit of a Donnie Darko vibe by way of Bat for Lashes:

White girls buy produce, take 'em home, make ( Read more... )

who should be in charge, videos, music, awesome, you tube

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Comments 6

oakenguy June 13 2011, 19:56:16 UTC
Oh wow. A Whole Foods store that wants to move into a vacant storefront in a suburb a little south of here has recently become the nexus of one of the biggest cases of Inappropriate Hipster Rage (they've formed a group, Whose Foods, and have tried to rally around the cause that WF will raise property values, which is going about as well for them as you'd expect). Everyone involved with the debate needs to watch this video.

Preferably while partying like in the *first* video.


kali921 June 13 2011, 20:32:13 UTC
Hi! I miss you!

Whose Foods, take 'em home, make them drink Gray Goose.

Inappropriate Hipster Rage needs henceforth to be shortened to IHR.


oakenguy June 14 2011, 00:12:12 UTC
I miss you too! You're awesome. I need awesome in my life. :)

And yes, living in Cambridge in between four different big colleges like I am, IHR is a constant danger. "That cool Afghan restaurant shut down! Damn, man, it's all because of that redneck white trash Muslim-hating bullshit they've had to deal with since Day One, and I'm sick of....whut? The owner quit to take a job in the Afghan government? He's Karzai's cousin? Huh. Now I wish I'd gone to the place when it was open, man."


canadabear June 13 2011, 22:52:04 UTC


kali921 June 25 2011, 19:57:44 UTC
I can't believe I just saw this comment now. Hiiiiii back! What did you think of the SV series finale? We need to talk.


canadabear June 25 2011, 21:55:43 UTC
We do! You can find me on AIM at NoMercyTM now.


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