(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 13:36

Just an update:

J got a job at Home Depot in the Colony, Woohoo!!!!! I can now breathe again when dealing with /figuring the finances. I was really starting to worry about everything associated with this wedding. I could not find a cake that was within the budget. The JP backed out. I was going to have lots of problems making bills and paying for the wedding with J out of work. They changes the name of the Hall that we are renting form The Colony Senior Center to The Colony Community Center after the invitations were printed and sent out. My dress was turning in to a logistical nightmare and beyond my normal skills (free hand I’m great…following a badly written pattern sucks). Eldest Demons Dress has it’s own challenges, namely how on earth am I going to “fit” it to her and how am I going to get the stain from Brigid out of it. Basically it was looking like I was going to loose my mind.

Thanks to some really good luck and some really good friends It looks like this is going to happen after all.
“Denton House” found a cake and is giving it to us as a wedding gift (thank you and We both hope to return the favor eventually). I have found 3 possible “officiates” for the wedding at the same price as the JP quoted or free (the 2 free ones will be getting back to me soon to verify they are available). J got the job and will be getting one partial and one full paycheck between now and May 7th. We got a special dispensation to put up a sign saying “Wood/ Seals Wedding and an arrow” since the name of the place changed. My Dress is 1/3 of the way done. It would have been ½ but the under dress’s top needs to be seam ripped and re-engineered (I still hate patterns). E.D.’s dress is still presenting a problem but I’m sure we will be able to figure it out…and as for the stain, if dry cleaning next week will not fix it…. I’m glad it’s small and not all that noticeable.

In other news:
The Universe (and a coworker) gifted up with a 2 month old female mutt puppy. Her name is Abby as in “Abby Normal” or Abby from NCIS (RW picked & E.D. named her) and she looks like a mix of boxer, beagle and god knows what else. She has so far been very good and has been a wonderful addition to the household

E.D. has been nominated for LEAP (a gifted and talented program in school).

Basically it’s been hectic, nerve wracking, expensive and wonderful at the same time.

After May 15th J and I will be able to start paying off any and all old debts (including debts to friends) If I owe you any thing email me and I’ll make sure you are on the list. For the first time I’m able to pay back all of the “financial debts” not just work them off or exchange favors. I know I owe “NY” and “Edge” which should be paid back by July 15th (these are the first 2 that come to mind other than Capt who was so kind to stay with me while I was in such bad financial shape) then we get to start saving for house fixer upper stuff, dental work (which I’m working on saving for now just because it needs to be done soon) , new vehicles and maybe a family vacation next summer.

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