Doing that Hetalia Meme again y not
Your Best Friend is Finland /k y not
You day dream about Prussia /??
You wish you were just like Turkey /???!!!!
You really hate Prussia /I daydream about killing him
You are scared of Hong Kong /because I'm a wimp, surely
You get picked on by Russia /I don't want to become one with you waaaaaaah
You get a confession from Ukraine /Do you want a scarf as well?
It makes you feel Awesome /Sweet! this scarf is AWESOME!11!!1
You start dating Sweden /m' 'ther w'fe
You have a one night stand with Denmark /Fine.
You finally settle down and marry Turkey /???!!?!?!?!?!?1?
Your relationship is We fight all the time! /i Love the ! there. 'We always fight, aint it grand!'
You get in a huge fight with Greece /Why you date Turkey >V
This person helps you resolve it Denmark /As previously, one-night stands indebt people to you.
You end up cheating on your spouse with S. Italy /I cheat on the psychopath with the man-child?
This person walks in on you Liechtenstein /OH GOD MY EYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS
Your spouse finds out and feels Depressed /Depressed turkey hahahahahahaha
You get divorced and are comforted by Japan /There there *slips a roofie*
Do you sleep with them? No /NEVER >v
Eventually you move in with Austria /Glasses twins active! form of.. a faux-aristocrat!
You are stalked by England / Stalker england bwahahahaha
You start having feelings for Korea /.......... I have nothing to say. 'cept I seem to like childish guys.
You get a surprise attack from Iceland /"My fiery side reveals itself!"
Do you get away from them? Almost /Surprise buttsmegs!
This person has pictures of you they drool over Latvia /BEWARE THE NICE ONES
This person has a grudge against you Denmark /I had a one night stand with you then helped you out after your affair so i hate you DX
You are pregnant! Who is responsible? Austria /Form of... another smeggsins?
Interesting... you end up having Twins /Wonder twins :D. Oh god i swear I didn't even notice this before now.
You are killed suddenly by Getting struck by lightning /I have nothing to say.
The person responsible is Turkey /I CONTROL LIGHTING
The person most devasted by your death is Turkey /Awww, now i feel bad.
The happiest you are gone is Norway /I never liked her anyway.
Overall your life rank was
93% /eh. Debatable.