attempting to make my own lj-cuts. Forgive me if I mess up!
Dir En Grey!!
Look at Dies kawaii smile!! (If I even spelled kawaii right O.o)
*squeels* OKAY!!!!
sexy wings....
Look at the bottom left of this one.
(I just got to the part of the song where it sounds like Kyo orgasming... *drools*)
(I hate when photobucket takes forever to load)
me and danny
someone, cant remember who, kept trying to take a picture of my boobs. *growls* MINE!!
Amber (dannys little sister) and her friend. They are really really REALLY preppy. Until I get through with them.
Ambers friends new makeup job, which apparently her parents would kill her if she ever wore red eyeliner. O.o Okay...
Amber and friend after.
Me! *does the uber happy dance*
SO yea....