So after three weeks, there was this new House on last night. One day and one room, or something like that. I recorded it and didn't get around to watching it until today, but I noticed a curious lack of general squee on my flist in the interim. I can say now that it is not all that curious after all.
I did not get this episode. I think people are going to either love it or hate it and I seem to be sliding into the hate it camp. Except, not hate, really. Indifference, or something like it. Let's start with the easy bits--the thing with homeless!cancer!guy and Cameron. I... no, seriously, what? When he asked if he could sleep there, I thought, okay it's sad and all that, all alone and homeless dying of cancer. Maybe Wilson will have issues with it, considering his missing homeless brother and all, but no. Instead we get Cameron and her Poor Dead Husband Issues. Also, not only does the whole hospital know about that, they go around telling it to the patients? And so she... lets him die. Okay.
And then House and the girl, which I also didn't get. You know what she struck me as? A tragic Mary Sue. All perceptive and connected and everyone drops what they're doing to worry about her and talk about her and offer advice on how to help her. And then she gets through to House and he admits his OMG!tragic!past and Daddy Issues and seriously, I have read this fic somewhere. Possibly on
Some of it I could understand and some of it was good (the bits in the clinic were fun) but most of it was like sitting through an ethics class full of philisophical debate. Fine if you like that sort of thing, but not what I watch House for. Hugh Laurie was fabulous throughout, obviously uncomfortable and not sure how to deal with the situation and not happy about being stuck in it. The girl, not so much. The more I think about it, the more Sue-ish she seems.
Also, didn't get the whole debate over the pregnancy. (Never mind the fact that if she was raped a week ago, they shouldn't be able to detect the pregnancy yet.) If she wants to keep it, that's her choice. It's not the baby's fault, after all. House telling her she's throwing her life away makes no sense at all. Every single mother who chose to keep the baby is throwing her life away? And if she really can't handle having that kind of reminder around, or if she can't handle having a child in her life, there's always adoption. The whole issue seemed like it was crammed in there to somehow add controversy to the show.
I think this episode just tried too hard. It wanted to hit all these emotional and topical hot buttons and it pounded at them mercilessly with a sledgehammer. I'm hoping for better next week. Back to the snark and medical mysteries, says I. Leave the religious and ethical debate for some other show.