Title: Ginger Cookies
kalina_blueRating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 100.1 (Draco/Hermione)
Prompt: 39. Hunger
Word Count: 299
Summary: A pregnant Hermione is craving ginger cookies.
Warnings: Post-DH, EWE
A/N: Written for
ceylonspice as a Valentines Day gift via
luvlikerocketz. The prompts were milk and ginger cookies.
Thanks go to my beta,
myownmuggle, for the excellent suggestions.
"Draco, are you awake?" Hermione asked, poking her husband's shoulder.
"No, I'm not," he replied irritably, his voice muffled by the pillows. "Or at least I wasn't before you started poking me. Quit it."
"But I'm hungry," Hermione said.
"Then get yourself something to eat. But do it quietly, I want to sleep." Draco buried his head underneath the pillows, hoping to block out all noises and return to sleep.
Hermione continued to prod him. "The doctor said I should rest as much as possible. Too much exercise isn't good for the baby."
Irritated, Draco unearthed his head from the pillows. "The kitchen is only down the hall. I'd hardly call a trip there 'exercise'."
"Please," Hermione pleaded. "After all, it's your fault I'm fat and my feet are swollen."
"Funny, the way I remember it, you were quite the enthusiastic participant when I got you pregnant."
"Exactly. You got me pregnant." Hermione countered.
"Well, considering that we are married, it would have been a bit awkward if someone else had knocked you up, don't you think?"
"It's still your fault," Hermione replied uncooperatively.
"But having children was your idea," Draco exclaimed. "Why should I suffer because of it?"
"Because you went along with my idea. Which, might I just add, you never do."
"So you are normally mad at me because I disagree with you, and now you are mad at me because I agreed with you for once?" Draco asked disbelievingly.
"Yes." Hermione nodded. "And I really, really want those ginger cookies."
"You aren't going to stop nagging me until I get you your bloody cookies, aren't you?" Draco asked, resigning himself to the fact that he would not be going back to sleep anytime soon. .
Hermione smiled triumphantly. "I'd like milk with the cookies, please."