Title: Mismatched
kalina_blueRating: PG
Prompt Set: 100.1 (Draco/Hermione)
Prompt: 12. History
Word Count: 100
Summary: The difficulties of pleasing the in-laws.
Warnings: Post-DH, EWE, established relationship
A/N: Written for the second challenge at
dmhgchallenge. The prompt was: an earring.
“Ready?” Draco asked impatiently.
Finally Hermione came out of their bedroom, wearing red dress robes. Draco could only stare.
“Why do you wear two different earrings?” he asked perplexed.
Hermione glared and walked past her fiancé.
“That some new fashion trend I’m not aware of?”
“No,” Hermione snapped. “But if I don’t wear grandma’s pearl earrings, my mom will be hurt, and I’ll offend your mother if I don’t wear the earrings she gave me for Christmas …”
“We have the most difficult in-laws in history, don’t we?” Draco commented, ushering Hermione out of the door, mismatched earrings and all.