Fic: Murderous Intend (Draco/Hermione)

Dec 10, 2008 12:06

Title: Murderous Intent
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 100.1 (Draco/Hermione)
Prompt: 91. Vengeance
Word Count: 484
Summary: Hermione is on the warpath.
Warnings: Post-DH
A/N: Written for Drabble it Forward . luvscharlie requested Dramione and murderous intend.
Click here to see my Dramione table for 100quills.

"I'm going to KILL him!"

Draco heard Hermione screaming long before she entered the breakfast room and made sure that his wand was close by-just to be safe.

Seconds later a fuming Hermione marched into the room, bushy hair surrounding her head like a storm cloud and angry red blotches marring her face.

"Good morning, Granger. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" Draco asked mockingly, ignoring the wand she was clutching in her fist and giving her his most winning smile; the one that never failed to make witches quiver in anticipation.

Hermione was quivering, too. However, Draco had the nagging suspicion that the only thing she was anticipating was his untimely demise. He took a sip of his tea.

"Of the cruellest things to do, this is by far the worst!" Hermione exclaimed, and began pacing the length of the room, highly aggravated.

"What have I done now?" Draco asked, bored, continuing to eat his breakfast. Ever since they had started working together at the Ministry, these early morning visits of Hermione had become somewhat of a tradition. He usually managed to offend her on a daily basis, and at least once a month, he pissed her off so badly she threatened to kill him.

So far, Hermione had refrained from casting Avada Kedavra, although she had thrown a vase at his head once, when he had taken the sole credit for a project which she had put a lot of effort into. Luckily, he had very good reflexes.

"I'm not talking about you, you moron. I'm talking about Ron," Hermione screeched, still pacing. "The bastard had the nerve to show up at my dinner party last night with a date; only two weeks after we broke up!"

"So you're not actually here to kill me?" Draco asked, blinking in surprise.

"What? No!" Hermione looked at him bewildered. "I want to kill Ron."

"Well, that's great. Don't let me stop you," Draco commented sarcastically. "But why exactly are you here? Don't tell me you can't tell the difference between Malfoy Manor and the Burrow."

"Of course I can." Hermione huffed indignantly. "I came here to see you."

"Why?" Draco asked, suspicious.

"I need your help." Hermione explained.

"You want me to help you get revenge on the Weasel?"

"Well, yes. I can't send the canaries after him again. I want him to really suffer. And since you are by far the cruellest, most manipulative person I know, I thought you might have some ideas."

"Why thank you. I didn't know you think so highly of me." Draco smirked, not in the least bit insulted. "But if I help you, what would be in it for me?"

"You mean beside the pleasure of knowing that you had a hand in Ron's downfall?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Good point. Take a seat, Granger. You have a lot to learn."

fandom: harry potter (books), fanfiction: gift, ship: draco/hermione, fanfiction: completed, fanfiction: 100 quills, fanfiction: drabble, fanfiction

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