Booklist 2010

Dec 31, 2010 00:01

luvscharlie mentioned this, and I think it’s a great idea. I’m going to read 50 books in 2010 (well, I’m going to count the books I started reading over Christmas as well because I’m anal and like a series to be complete). Anyway, here’s the running list of the books I’ve finished, and to give myself some incentive to finish this project (unlike most ( Read more... )

to-do-list: reading

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Comments 2

isisizabel October 21 2010, 20:12:13 UTC
I adore the Vampire Academy series. And I'm really getting into the Morganville Vampires. House of Night books ... I have them all, but I got stuck on the last one, "Burned."


kalina_blue October 21 2010, 23:02:17 UTC
I loved the first three Vampire Academy books, but got stuck in the beginning of the fourth. It wasn't bad, just really depressing and I was not in the right space of mind to appreciate that (I hate reading depressing stuff when rl is already depressing me too much). I have to pick up the book again soon.

I like the House of Night books so far, although not as much as the other books I've read this year. I will definitely continue reading them though.

I read the first book of the Morganville Vampire books, but decided against reading the next one. I just couldn't connect to the characters and some of the plot seemed too contrived for my taste.


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