Stolen from
adasca 10 years ago:
I was 15 years old. My little brother was 2 and I had my very first boyfriend, Brandon, the summer after Freshman year of high school. It only lasted 3 months lol. I'm drawing a blank as to what else happened 10yrs ago... High school was high school... my friends and I went to all the football games even though we never watched the games (we just went to hang out and not be stuck at home with the parental units haha).
5 things I would do if I was a billionaire
1. Travel around the world (while looking for the best place to live at)
2. Buying land and building a house in the perfect place i could think of (after traveling around the world)
3. Put money into saving accounts for any kids I may have, and if no kids, then for my brother.
4. Pay off all of my debts and help my parents with theirs (house mortgages, car payments, etc). Maybe even help some friends out as well :)
5. Donate to charities
3 bad habits
1. I'm a huuuuuuge procrastinator. This can be anything from doing taxes, making doctor appointments, doing stuff for work I know I have lots of time for, calling people back, etc...
2. I bite my nails
3. I dont drink enough water... or liquids for that matter
5 places I’ve lived
1. Northridge, CA (from birth till 2)
2. Palmdale, CA (from 2 till 13)
3. Susanville, CA (from 13 till 19)
4. Monterey, CA (from 19 to 25)
5. Kapolei, Hawaii (current resident)
5 jobs I’ve had
1. Babysitter - I baby-sat kids in the neighborhood starting at the age of 12...
2. Worked at Frosty Mill (hamburger joint in Susanville). Started off as a Counter person (takes orders, gets drinks, makes shakes, works the register) and made it to Head Cook before leaving.
3. Target employee (I was an operator)
4. Faculty Technology Assistant for CSUMB - I helped faculty and staff with tech issues and support
5. Project Coordinator at CTB/McGraw Hill - still doing this
3 snacks I enjoy
1. Chocolate.. especially dark chocolate.. Mm...
2. Chips of some sort.. i've recently discovered Ritz Chips which are REALLY tasty.
3. Fruit -- pears, bananas, peaches, nectarines
1. The usual stuff - eat breakfast, eat lunch, shower, and get through another work day
2. Take Theo on a walk during my lunch break
3. Give Theo his meds for his infection
4. Call Doctor at CSUMB so that i can get my anxiety pills refilled
5. Call the helpdesk about work related stuff that isnt working
I will be 35 (O.o!!). I would hopefully be married and having kids. I hope to have traveled a bit.. perhaps to Italy or Japan or Germany. Own a house and a car. Either have a new job or being content with being a house-wife and a mom (though I don't know if i'd go stir crazy after the kids go to school full time)
Some things you may or may not know about me
I'm a nervous driver and still get a little freaked out if I have to drive somewhere I haven't driven too before, especially by myself. I am slowly getting better at this though. I did tap-dance and ballet when I was about 8yrs old. I was a girlscout for a long time, until my troop leader came down with cancer and had to quit.. i tried getting back into it but never found a group that i liked. I was a virgin until about a year ago XD;; My favorite channels on TV is ABC Family, Nick at Night (Home Improvement, Fresh Prince, and George Lopez are great shows XD), G4 (gotta love Ninja Warrior!), and the cooking channel whenever they have the cake shows on (Ace of Cakes usually is my favorite).