Drabble #1: The Sixth Moon of Tralaxia

Aug 26, 2007 04:09

karenor beat me at the name-that-quote meme, so here's the drabble. She requested "a fluffy missing scene. Either from the show or one of your serieses." This drabble references the sixth moon of Tralaxia, which the Doctor and Rose discussed as their next stop after leaving the monastery at the end of The Calm Before The Storm.

I still owe drabbles to
queenrikki_hp  and
lillilynn , who haven't yet named their terms.  :)


When the Doctor had suggested packing extra socks, Rose had taken it as a joke, not sensible advice.

"It's freezing," she chattered.

"I can't give you much more clothing," he said. She already wore his jacket and coat. "You'd look silly in my trousers."

When the first pink light of dawn appeared, she forgot her discomfort. Arranged before her in the brightening sky were five blue moons, forming a "w" in the sky with the star rising below.

"We could have come when it was warmer," he said, "but we would have missed this."

Rose gave him the coat back.

doctor who, fiction

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