It's almost the new year again already!
Survived another year, though I'd have to say barely
Well technically I've died a few times this year, a few on purpose.
Boss is starting to get angry with me for it, even if otherwise I've been pretty productive
Me and Yoji are still together surprisingly. I havnt managed to fuck
that up and hopefully I won't (at least anytime soon, though knowing me
who knows)
Piv Is almost a year old and he's gotten pretty damn big. I
dunno how fast goblins grow, but other than that he's gotten pudgy
because Yoji keeps spoiling him with sweets.
In all honesty I have no clue if it's ok to give him certain foods right now, thought Yoji's still doing it.
also wants to keep giving him swords and I finally settled on Yoji
giving him a toy sword, which all Piv does is just chew on anyways.
Yoji's determined to have him be a warrior or something when he gets
I'm still surprised about how much Yoji loves him, considering
Piv's not his kid. There's no jealousy issues over Kwik either. Yes
he's dead, but memories can still cause problems too.
Yoji and
Ellister made me realize though I really do need to be more careful with
myself. Yoji yelled at me for being irresponsible and Ellister
guilt-tripped me about losing people you care about.
It's only fair
considering I did the same thing to him, and he's got a point. I just
usually don't really think about it because usually the people who say
they care about me and will always be there tend to disappear after
awhile. Not even dying disappear because I know most of them are still
around. Just haven't been around the cities or been talking to me.
right. They were yelling at me because I've been really stupid lately
(I think I have no clue how to handle myself when I'm not working this
time of the year).
Well first I got caught in the outer blast of the Theramore bombing
I cut my arm up to prove a point to Elli about how he needs to practice
doing his medical stuff while as a worgen otherwise he'd be in trouble
when he was forced in it during an emergency
Then I get into a fight
Get zapped by shaman lightning
get convinced to a troll.. orgy? I don't know if it's orgy or foursome,
but either way it was not a very good idea and I'm glad at least there
was another woman to take some of the aggression or I'd probably be
dead. Hell still surprised I'm not.
But then after that I got mad
about how people kept grabbing my bruised butt and I went out and killed
some undead and got bitten and then stuck as a worgen for awhile
So safe to say I'm an idiot.
in other news I made some new friends besides Ellister and Sego (Have I
written about her? Not going to go back and check right now)
Vallan Val and Xan, who are broth
Twins (though one has brown hair and one has blonde, and they have
different colored eyes. Actually don't know why this surprised me
because Cardea and Sinifaie looked the same except for the color of
their skin, hair, and eyes.)
And met some of Yoji's friend's, A troll
named Retro Pants and his mate Juntra (See troll orgy above. Oh gods
why did I agree to that I need to stop letting myself be cowed).
both cute of course, though Xan is really picky about his appearance
and while he seems fun I havn't really hung out with him or talked much.
Val is kind of scruffy looking and he's a lot of fun. He's less worried
about how he looks and seems more relaxed too. Xan's probably how he is
because he's a priest and a lot of them tend to be really worried about
their appearance. Elli kind of is too, but he's also Gilnean.
Havent seen Gaz and Trap in awhile.
Actually I havnt really seen anyone from the old group except for Yoji.
I assume Izzei's had her kid so understandable she and Beppe wouldn't be around.
is... Well I don't know, Niles tells me him and her are mated, so I
know she's still alive, but she's stopped talking to me too.
I really need to stop believing it when people say they're going to stay around because EVERYTIME someone says it they don't.
I know they're not really lying to me, or don't think they are anyways, but still happens.
Havn't had much in the way of nightmares.
They're still there, but usually not that bad or enough that I usually remember them.
I remember parts of one from the other day where I was at home, but my
home was somehow in stormwind, and it was really quiet and I was with...
someone. Some friend I couldn't tell who.
Anyways I had looked out
the window and I saw Father Winter flying past with some stags, but
there was something off and scary about it. Like he was way too thin and
tall. Kind of like a night elf, but more skeletal.
And I looked around and there was more of these shadowy skeletal-thin things walking up the street so I shut the curtains.
thing I know it's morning. Friend is gone and I peaked out the curtains
and there was these two creepy looking girls staring at me from across
the road. I peaked out another window and they were still there looking
right where I was though I don't know how they could have seen me.
yelled in the house about it and someone... I dunno, it wasn't attley or
'su but I called her mom (ew)... and she said they were usually there
and they were just waiting for someone to pick them up. I was just
exaggerating and I should just go outside and say hi.
And that's all I can remember. See, not that bad, just a little creepy.
I sent out a lot of presents this year but only got a small handful of
replies from people. Still awhile in the season to go, but I'm hoping
that people receive them because it'll mean at least they're not dead.
And I forgot to make some fish-shaped cookies to send to Ziggly, but to hell with it.
and Ridly's a fucking dick. He got a kid and all of a sudden he's
claiming he's so fucking mature and has to be serious and has a fucking
superiority complex now.
Fuck him and his trying to act like he's
better and mature. He's just as bad as he was before except now he's
less a "brat" and just has a giant log up his ass.
Well fuck him.
I can be "Mature" when I need to be, and there's different kinds of maturity!
there's no point to having a log up your ass and not having fun. You
can still have a kid and be a certain way. Attley and me are both brats
and we still have good morals and can be mature when it calls for it,
and we know there's no reason we can't have fun considering the world
sucks enough as it is!