Let's get this party started. Got up early to catch the coverage of Nintendo's conference and I kind of spammed
Plurk and
Twitter with stuff. XD
- There's a lot of announcements that will be here. Nintendo's new system, known only as Project Cafe before the conference, is due to be detailed. Probably not priced.
- Nintendo is late. Why is Nintendo late? Yargh! They are NOT SONY.
- Oh wow, what a way to start off. Full orchestra playing Zelda music while the history of Zelda plays on the big screen.
- Zelda 25th anniversary stuff. Awesome.
- Link's Awakening is the first 3DS e-Shop Virtual Console game. Available by day's end.
- Four Swords available as a free download for DSi in September.
- Zelda concerts in every region in the fall.
- A Zelda Wiimote is available for pre-order of Skyward Sword. A soundtrack is available when you register Ocarina of Time 3DS on Club Nintendo.
- Iwata teases Project Cafe but doesn't deliver. Dammit. :|
- Some 3DS reels. Most games we know already: Mario Kart 3DS, Star Fox 64 3DS, Kid Icarus: Uprising... New one added: Mario 3DS! AND LUIGI'S MANSION 3DS.
- Now some proper trailers... Mario Kart 3DS, the karts can pop out hand gliders for safe landings (I expect a lot of fail to deploy and splatter deaths here). They can go underwater and turn into partial submarines. Looks amazing. No sign of bikes. Will be available this holiday season.
- Star Fox 64 3DS uses the camera for multiplayer. Instead of having Fox/Peppy/Falco/Slippy, it uses your face (and voice). This is for multiplayer ONLY, remember.
- Kid Icarus is looking as good as ever. The game seems to be fully voiced and we're getting a better glimpse of what the overall game looks like. Still want it, definitely.
- Super Mario 3DS, still a working title, clearly. Tanooki Suit makes an appearance and it seems to play like a mix between New Super Mario Bros. and Mario Galaxy. Looks great, a lot of Mario 3 references. Even the Goombas have raccoon tails. WTF. Supposed to be out at the end of this year.
- Luigi's Mansion 2 for 3DS, features not just one mansion but three. It looks great, much like the original Luigi's Mansion for the GameCube. No release date for this one.
- "Project Cafe" is named...WiiU. They wanted to play up on the "Wii = We" part. Good idea keeping the "Wii" name. It has a brand new controller, naturally.
- Oh, where to start. The controller has a 6" touch screen, looks like it's set inside of a Classic Controller. It seems to allow you to take the games on the go with you (example shown: NSMB Wii being dragged down to it). It has its own games you can play (Othello) and becomes an extension of the game on TV. This is really hard to describe without visuals.
- Zelda shown in the WiiU promo reel. To be clear, this was not Skyward Sword and looks more like Twilight Princess but in HD.
- Old Wii controllers will work with the WiiU, including the Wii Zapper which allows for mounting of the new controller. Better precision with it.
- In an attempt to put this in perspective (this was not said on stage), the new controller and console will be like having a DS in a console. The screen allows for stylus touch as well as finger touch (just like DS) and will work as a second screen.
- Smash Bros. stealth-announced for 3DS and WiiU. Nothing shown for it but it was mentioned.
- A reel of what the WiiU is apparently capable of. It's very hard to give opinions on the quality since all I'm watching is standard definition. It looks pretty good, just showing a bird flying over water (that looks incredibly real) then a koi leaping out of water. To be clear, this is only a demo. Not a real game concept.
- ...Sounds like a stealth confirmation of a New Super Mario Bros.: "New Super Mario Bros. Mii", using your Miis and playable on the controller or the TV.
- Showing more of what the WiiU allows, including multiplayer. One person can use the new controller while four others use the Wiimotes to make five or more multiplayer games available. Very neat.
- Reel of third party games. Batman Arkham City, Assassin's Creed, Darksiders 2, Tekken, Dirt, Aliens Colonial Marines, Ghost Recon Online, Metro: Last Light and Ninja Gaiden 3 all shown.
- Electronic Arts president talking about some "theoretical" applications of the WiiU. Suggests Battlefield might show up on the console.
- Conference has ended, showing a bunch of logos on the screen including a new Mario Party (Mario Party 9) and two new Kirby games: Kirby Wii and Kirby Mass Attack.
Annnnd, that is the show. I have more on my Plurk/Twitter concerning release dates. I will try to get as much information as I can down here as well.
That's the WiiU (controller in his right hand, system in the left). The actual console was not shown during the conference.
If there are any screenshots you'd like to see, just tell me and I'll see what I can do. ♥ Just please don't ask for WiiU stuff because I don't think I can get those. :/