Default Replacement for afbodyovershirt pants with a mesh by Liana and Textures by Javabean Dreams
and for af and tfbodyflaresflowtank with meshes by Aelia and Pinketamine and textures by Pinketamine
First up is a default for those awful sheer tank tops and flares for teens with some pretty outfits by Pinketamine and meshes by Pinketamine and Aelia.
Usually I like to default outfits with similar ones, so skirts weren't the first thing I thought of when I went to default this tank and pants, but when I saw Pinketamine's skirts with Docs they just felt like what I was looking for, cute young and casual without being another set of jeans. The originals are
here and if you don't have them, you should go get some of the other colors. I used blue, red, gray and purple for the deafults. See them
These come in two flavors. One replaces only the teen outfits, and is basegame compatible. The other replaces the bothe theYA and teen outfits. In the case of the University version, the defaults will also show up for adults if you have a mod that makes YA clothes available for Adults.
Choose only 1 of these
Download Teens Only/ Basegame VersionDownload Teens and Young Adults/ University Version Next up is a default of a basegame jeans outfit with some pretty textures by Javabean Dreams on a mesh by Liana
The originals can be found
here. And you can see all the colors that I used
As always, remember to take out any other defaults of these outfits before adding these!