Paddy's Traditional Pair

Apr 18, 2016 23:12

Today is my father's 112th birthday.

As many of you know, I've posted some of his writing or portraits in previous years.

This short story was published in the November 1925 edition of the Oxford Outlook. It's about cricket, and set five years in Paddy's future; when 1930 actually came round, it was Bradman's first tour of England; the Fourth ( Read more... )

cricket, family, birthday

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Comments 3

jhall1 April 19 2016, 09:11:16 UTC
I enjoyed reading that. Montague and Vane playing for the same northern county naturally made me think of Holmes and Sutcliffe, though I hope that those two were on friendlier terms than Montague and Vane were.

When the article was written in 1925, I don't suppose that anyone imagined that Hobbs would still be opening for England five years later, when even in 1925 he was in his mid-forties. I had thought that the century stand in this Old Trafford match might have been Hobbs and Sutcliffe's last for England, but I see that they made another one at The Oval. It's noticeable in both stands how Sutcliffe scored much the quicker. It looks as though, although Hobbs was still hard to dismiss, he found scoring difficult against good bowling.


sallymn April 19 2016, 10:31:03 UTC
That's rather nice - my first read over (I should keep it to reread) does have the lovely period feel you'd expect, even though I know very little about cricket (appalling with my family history...)


legionseaglelj April 19 2016, 19:03:31 UTC
Laughter and tears in equal measure.


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