Running commentary, because I'm too excited by the AWESOME to wait 'till it's done to talk(write) about it.
There must be some crazy TARDIS force field at work here, because the Doctor's elbows would not have had enough friction for that to work regardless of how strong and manly Time Lords are I guess supposed to be.
It makes me happy that she wasn't praying to God, because religious elements would make watching Dr. Who awkward for me!
Clean that up, Doctor! Quit being mean to the little kid.
I like the lighting in the new Dr Who.
I've been expecting the Doctor-goes-away-and-accidentally-comes-back-much-later bit since I saw Kid-Amy in the previews, but I still want to groan a little. Dammit, Steven Moffat, that's cliché and you personally have done it before!
Aw, Amy's a cop in a short skirt. Nice hose, Amy.
Corner of the eye. I like that. Very Charles DeLint. I'd like it better if they didn't show what was in the "corner of the eye" quite so much, or if they'd actually look at it from the corner of their eyes, but I guess I'm picky like that?
Aw, she's a "Kiss-o-gram"!
Annd, the "human residence" is either the planet Earth or all of our dimension.
Aw, he's gonna meet her nan somewhere in the past.
She kisses people for a living! I like that. I'm not the only person in the world with a very mildly dirty job. For once we get some representation in mainstream televised fiction.
Who's the big person with the book bag?
Apples are fairly large, odd-shaped things to keep in pockets. I would find that bothersome.
"You made me dress up as him!" lol!
I had to look up who Patrick Moore was.
Aw. I like Jeff.
Oh, cracks. Another big dramatic thing leading to a big dramatic climax at the end of the season.
He lost the swimming pool? What's her incentive to travel with him now?
Maybe in the wardrobe? Alright. Not as good as the library, but at least it exists.
Is she getting married or something in the morning?
Yup, married. And she has a creepy doll collection.