Hi, guys! So I got to be a pinch hit artist for an amazing story written by even more amazing deceptivemirror And totally amazing she is! And patient, did I mention her immense patience with me? I'm just sorry that I wasn't able to do more art but well, time is a bitch. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to create at least one more piece. The story deserves it
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A/N: Hey, guys! Sorry for the slight delay. Here's the new chapter. We're steadily coming to the end of the story, so I hope you'll enjoy the last few chapters. Tell me what you think :)
A/N: Hey, guys! I'm sorry for the pause. Me and my friend moved from one flat to another, and it was crazy. Totally worth it, though! Anywho, here's the new chapter. Tell me how you like it, and see you the next week!
A/N: Hey guys, two more chapters of memories and then it's back to the world of living. Enjoy ^^ A/N (2): This chapter (and the next) contains Dean/OMC
Hi, guys. I hope you're still with me! I apologize for the hiatus. I had tons of things to do and then my beta would keep promising me the corrected chapter for over three/four months. But finally, I stopped waiting and asked a different girl who is so incredible and offered to help me out
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This is the art for zubeneschamali's awesome story The Growing Place. Stop by her lj to send love and feedback! This was my first spn_J2_big_bang and I was lucky to share the experience with her. Thank you!
Huge thanks also goes to wendy for being a great organizer <3
Title: The Growing Place Author: zubeneschamali Rating: NC-17 Pairing: J2 Warnings: none Summary: Jensen's
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This is the art for scarletphoenix1's amazing story Alone Together for spnaubigbang challenge. I want to thank you, because you were awesome and patient with me and it was pleasure to work with you.