Meme ^-^

Dec 28, 2012 01:31

Saw this from  setolove  ^o^

Ichiban when I discovered them:

Ichiban now:

Best voice:

The cute one:

The prettiest:

The cool guy:


Ichiban when I discovered them: Kamenashi Kazuya

Ichiban now: Kamenashi Kazuya

Best voice: Kamenashi Kazuya

The cute one: Kamenashi Kazuya

The prettiest: Kamenashi Kazuya

The cool guy: Tanaka Koki



Ichiban when I discovered them: Kimura Takuya

Ichiban now: Kimura Takuya

Best voice: Kimura Takuya

The cute one: Katori Shingo

The prettiest: Kimura Takuya

The cool guy: Kimura Takuya

(LOL ^^;;)

Ichiban when I discovered them: Matsumoto Jun

Ichiban now: Sakurai Sho

Best voice: Ohno Satoshi

The cute one: Sakurai Sho

The prettiest: Matsumoto Jun

The cool guy: Sakurai Sho


Ichiban when I discovered them: Seto Koji

Ichiban now: Araki Hirofumi

Best voice: Seto Koji

The cute one: Yanagishita Tomo

The prettiest: Araki Hirofumi

The cool guy: Araki Hirofumi

(Srsly confused on my present ichiban. Not sure if it's Arayan or Tomo :/ And Seto can also be on the cute part too. /undecided 8D)


d-boys, je: arashi, je: smap, my life, je: kat-tun

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