Title: 夏の恋 Pairing/Group: Takenaga/Kyohei (Kamenashi Kazuya x Uchi Hiroki) Rating/Warnings: General; Hurt/Comfort Summary: Because the summer in our hearts isn't over. Note: mature!Kyohei. I tried my best with it! >w<
I'M HERE! So sorry for the late reply! *fails* RL was crazy!!
Okay, first of all. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and happy that you wrote Kyohei/Takenaga - this is one of my fav Uchi-pairings! I just love how hot and stoic Takenaga is and then, together with impulsive Kyohei it get's really exciting!
I've always thought while watching this drama: Who needs Sunako here, go for Takenaga! He is the hottest one in the house :D
I loved it that you made such a melancholic story out of this, with a hurt&comfort plot! All the images of the seasons and how their relationship was like the summer and how Takenaga isn't sure that their relationship will make it through the winter - this was so beautiful.
The one person to take that cold away is stuck in my summer memories. We could never survive a winter.I love this kind of images!! So beautiful
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Comments 3
I need to go to sleep now, but will read it tomorrow and leave a proper comment!! <3
So sorry for the late reply! *fails* RL was crazy!!
Okay, first of all. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and happy that you wrote Kyohei/Takenaga - this is one of my fav Uchi-pairings! I just love how hot and stoic Takenaga is and then, together with impulsive Kyohei it get's really exciting!
I've always thought while watching this drama: Who needs Sunako here, go for Takenaga! He is the hottest one in the house :D
I loved it that you made such a melancholic story out of this, with a hurt&comfort plot! All the images of the seasons and how their relationship was like the summer and how Takenaga isn't sure that their relationship will make it through the winter - this was so beautiful.
The one person to take that cold away is stuck in my summer memories. We could never survive a winter.I love this kind of images!! So beautiful ( ... )
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