(no subject)

Sep 24, 2008 21:38

† Hellsing Friending Meme †

LOL. So I made another meme for the comm and then the other on my f-list that actually read this~. Call me a meme whore if you must This time it's a friending meme. How does it work, you ask?

Use this code and post it to this entry~. What this is for is seeing how many people have similar interests so you can befriend them~. Got it? Good!
This is how it's done~ *CHU*

name :: Your name/Nickname
age :: Your age
favorite character :: Your favorite Hellsing character
favorite pairing :: the pairing you like the most, if applicable.
other fandoms :: list any other fandoms you might have.
other interests :: other random things you like.
anything else? :: Just a side comment, if you want to add something.


http://at-pinball.livejournal.com/5180.html" _fcksavedurl="http://at-pinball.livejournal.com/5180.html" style="text-decoration: none;">"tales of the hellsing" friending meme


hellsing, !lol, meme