Sherlock was finally shown on tv here in Oz. Here's pretty muh my reaction to...
8:30 Sherlock starts. Me: I don't want to watch this, stupid moffat and his rose hating ways...grr there's his stupid name on the stupid show..he probably ruins sherlock making him a gary-stu/cast in his own moffat image - I really hate this guy
8:35: I hate the angle that's shot in *eye twitches*
8:40 basically he's just copied his version of 10/11th doctor...he's so annoying
8:45 oh they mentioned Baker st, I always wondered what that looked like in real life....
9:00 Oh that's cool, I liked that...nice use of modern tech and letting us see how he thinks...hehe he thinks watson likes him *giggles*
9:30 How did this story go again? I'm sure I've read it...oh brain shut up Sherlock is saying something sherlocky
9:45-ish that anderson guy is a pain in the arse...hehe 'turn away anderson your face is distracting' nice one sherlock
10-ish ....*too captivated by tv to think other thoughts*
10:20-ish oh you better not take that bloody pill you daft prat! (cause I may secretly be in love with you...just a little)
10: 30 ish: Sherlocks brother hehe I always loved his character...and yay for sherlock/watson love...oh its ended
12/midnight:*wakes up in bed* DAMN IT! I'M SUPPOSED TO HATE MOFFAT!
Stupid fangirly brain and your fangirlyness over Sherlock holmes...I'm very dissapointed in you fangirly me!