Shibuya - Arashi Album adventure!

Aug 04, 2010 10:33

Lol, you shouldnt get used to me updating my LJ so much... because I know it wont stay that way xD but maybe you can expect another entry tomorrow lol maybe!

Well, today I went to Shibuya because the New Arashi Album was released as everyone knows already anyway lol and I took Photos of my adventure and a few other things too

You can see my destination already from the Station in Shibuya (well when you menage to take the right exit... because I always chose the wrong one -.- so today too lol... ) With a bit of that Famous Shibuya crossing and a Kinki Kids ad for their new live DVD... yes my Destination is the HMV.

When I got in, I almost imidiatly saw that: 

Well, sadly its only samples and no real albums, but I got mine at the cash desk? (yack I dont know the right word :o) And I have to confess, I dont even know if its the LE or RE, but its ok, I dont mind if its only the RE lol, because I dont have any LE anyway...

Well, then I will show you some pictures of my newest treasure 8D

Now some pictures out of the Booklet :)

Like the name of the picture says, I really think their pants are ugly -.- not only the pants but...

So, that was the complete Booklet except for the pages without Arashi xD But I hope you are not interested in the Background without Arashi... really its just the same...

Now to the Rest of my adventure... Next thing I did was go to the Disney Store :D

And there are no Sakuraibacookies ;_; NOOOO why?

Then, I went back to the station, without buying anything... because I really went because of the cookies xD mostly and all the other fancy stuff just to look at it lol
and thats what I saw there: 

Yea... Schoolgirls in the way... but they wouldnt move :o anyway xD

Then I went with the Yamanote line in the direction of Shinagawa and Tokyo because I never went this way since I am here this time, I always went over Shinjuku and Ikkebukuro... and I saw some funny stuff... sadly I was only able to take a picture of one of them... 

On the station before that one, was a fountain on the platform :o 
and I really love the ads in Trains, but there are a few Yamanote linetrains full of Pokemon and Alice in Wonderland adds all over it xD not in the trains but outside, it looks so funny xD I like it!
And I think I spotted a Pokemon Center... I am not 100% sure, but I think I will try and see if its one lol
and thats not really something I just saw today, because its in Matsudo where I live, I just thought I share it xD 

Its an ARASHI-RESTAURANT!!! xD I havent eaten there yet, and I am not sure if I can/will because it looks very meaty (well what else is new in Japan? -.- ) but I will have a closer look in the future xD

And for those I complained about not having a bag to, and then flailed about my new bag to xD here is a picture, with Dossy... just because lol

well, THE END! XD
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