well as we all know the varying degree of an incline is directly related to the force applied and inversely related to the butthole. wow i thought i was gonna do something witty but then i was like wait im stupid. tyler i need to come visit u im losing that flair. :(
Tennessee was the last state to leave the Union in the Civil War and the first to come back; therefore, it was not divided up and occupied like the rest of the South.
George Eliot is really a woman.
Race car backwards is race car.
You can contol your sister's Barbie car with your cordless phone.
casey?? barbies??? you gotta be kidding me..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....my best buddy in 5th grade was the biggest tomboy i had ever met.....and she sure could punch...i think she gave me a bruise..
Comments 10
and i'm only half-kidding. :P
There is no relevencey to that.
wow i thought i was gonna do something witty but then i was like wait im stupid.
tyler i need to come visit u im losing that flair.
George Eliot is really a woman.
Race car backwards is race car.
You can contol your sister's Barbie car with your cordless phone.
Jesus had twelve diciples.
Jupiter is the Roman name for the Greek god Zeus.
thats amazing.
i wish my sister had ever played with barbies...
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