Review for "Dark Green Episode Eight" by Cherry Chan

Jan 02, 2011 21:11

It has been more than a YEAR since I last posted here!

2011! A new year! A new time for...REVIEWS! Yes! Let us continue with a new review for Dark Green.

As I the last episode...Ummmmmmm
Well I don't actually recall anything but that's never stopped me from reviewing BEFORE has it? Naw.


Ooooh the name of the episode is FOX TWINS! I think we're in for...heartache and pain if I recall those two properly...

Awww, a splash screen featuring the indomitably selfish Mint as an

Oh goodness...those photoshop backgrounds -_-

LMAO!!! It's funny cause the twins Kit and Sune (blargh) are brandishing their bows at Mint...all wrong...If they fired those things they'd be liable to POP BACK and stab them in the eyes! Oh...physics...

Why does Sune sometimes look like she has a skin disease... (bad bad bad shading -_- )

Why did...Darky cast a spell...ONLY to end up JUMPING out of the bushes to stab Mint with a knife (not that I mind THAT part ^.^)

Ooooh Kain did Kit's voice =(


It was a good. Good good.

The story progressed at a nice pace or that is to say the timing for events and situations were very good and clearly borrowed from pacing in...animes. Not a bad thing, the most successful kamishibai series do the EXACT same thing when it comes to pacing. They borrow the same idea (good graphic novels are built the same way).

The characters? Mint was...cute and likable here and had I never seen her in another episode I'd assume she was a good person, but I'm not fooled here. I wish the author didn't do one thing while trying to get us to think another. What am I saying? Isn't a complex character by definition one that can't be pinned down easily? Mint is self absorbed and delusional but can't she also be cute and plucky? Yeah...but the former has no consequences when it the real world those traits come back to BITE you in the ass (no matter what). Sam Wise is obsessed with Frodo to an almost...self-destructive level and it DOES nearly lead him to his own destruction! Sailor Moon is as cute and naive yet optimistic as they get but she SUFFERS for those things even while she's rewarded for those qualities. The author protects Mint to a point that's like...

How can anyone remain this pristine and yet dedicate their life to violence and fighting? Wha?

Kit and Sune...who are they? Guardians...because? Wha? One word from Mint about the Zodiac spirits sending her there and they're automatically like "oh not a trespasser" when Mint could be LYING! That get them. You get them both right away because of character design and the AIDE of voice actors. The atmosphere of the forest and their kemomimi qualities add clout to their inclusion.

The art was great, pretty darn good, but that's to be expected of Dark Green.

The music was actually...a bit distracting. I can't say why but it didn't seem to always fit the scene or the mood. The sounds...well the none to really speak of but the episode CERTAINLY benefited from voice actors.

And for now...I think that's all I'll say ^^

kamishibai review

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