Hello world,
If they wanted me gone they should have told me to my face, not gone behind my back like a bunch of high school drama queen cowards. Not that it wasn't surprising, but I found textual proof that Joe and Sara hated me. Got copies of some AIM transcripts from a few months back. It's nice to see how far back my so-called 'friends' were pissing on me behind my back. It's not like I'm honestly surprised, really. Joe always hated me. I could tell, I'm not blind. I knew Sara wasn't fond of me.
They were my friends. They might not have thought it, but they were my friends. I was proud to know them. I cared for them, and I would have done anything for them if they needed me. I knew in my heart that I was the tag-along. That I was only there because of Annie. But I lied to myself because I wanted to feel like I had a family of friends. That I was valued. I was wrong.
Brien's the one that I cried about. I still miss him. I still love him, and I always will. I guess I did it to myself, really. Maybe I was selfish, I don't know. Maybe I drove them away but I never, NEVER considered ANYONE my sidekick! (Sorry, I'm replying to things I read, that you haven't seen.) Not Annie, not Brien, no one. They were my friends, my equals. People I respected and wanted to emulate. I made mistakes, I'm not perfect. Far from it, but I didn't deserve to be betrayed. *Bitch rant end.*
Life goes on, it's not over yet. I'm in summer classes, and things are gong well. Art history's kinda fun. It's good to be doing things, keeps me occupied. If I don't occupy myself, I get depressed. Classes are over on the 12th, and then I start trying to get ready to move into the apartment *eep.* Nothing more fun that moving in with a bunch of costumers. It's going to be great - they're fantastic.
Things hit a few rough spots between Scott and I, but things are still going strong. I'm so happy I'm with him. He's... well, yeah. Bright spot in my life.
(P.S - Looking back, I am SO GLAD that my paranormal investigation team never got off the ground. It wasn't the concept, it was the company.)