Here's the translation for the first week, Kisumai on TakiCHANnel~
And no, i won't mention that neither English nor Japanese is my mother tongue :P
TakiCHANnel Week 1 Kis-My-Ft2
translated by kananyan@LJ 2010.08.26
credit please? (^-^)/
TakiCHAN's voice
Kitayama Hiromitsu
Senga Kento
Miyata Toshiya
Yokoo Wataru
Fujigaya Taisuke
Tamamori Yuta
Nikaido Takashi
~Hitomi wo Tojite~
This week's guest are Kis-my-Ft2~
This is the room all of Johnny's Jr. Can enter, Takki-Room!
Gooood morning~!
Aww this takes me back!
Like chairs from elementary school ne...
oi guys, hurry up!
Oh there are cameras in the middle!
Kisumai, I've seen you're CMs!
Thank you very much~
It was your first time, right?
can you tell us your impressions (about them)?
Well, we were really surprised at first!
It seemed to me like it wasn't us they were talking about.
Yeah like it wasn't us, they turned out way too cool!!
there is this last scene, if you know what I mean.
could you show it to us, kitayama?
You want me to show it here? Using this table, ok~
3, 2, 1:
“KAIKIN” (“lifting the ban”)
isn't there anyone who was sad that it wasn't himself who got elected to say this?
Well, I think I could have done it just as good!
Personally, I think I get told I have a cool faces quiet often.
what are you saying~
that's a joke right, a joke!
Well at least we would have liked to try saying it once ne.
so how about saying it now, all together?
Ok so 3,2,1 *bang* “KAIKIN” right?
Yep *bang* …..”KAIKIN”..... it is. Miyata-kun are you ready?
Ok, Ok!
Okay here we go, until everyone's KAIKIN 3,2,1....
hey Miyata!! waitwaitwait~ but I think you all did a great job!
Thanks~ *mumble during replay*
miyata! It seems like the ban couldn't be lifted with yours...
oh no really?
Could you stand up and do it again?
ok thanks a lot...
but takichannel is something, having him do a thing like this and then leaving it to us to wrap it up...
I thought it would be done elegantly hehe
no that's not it!
So so, here is today's corner: “we'll try to prove your Group Ai!!”
Oooh, Group Ai~!!
now everyone who is confident about your Group Ai raise your arm
yeah, confident~ *all raise hands*
it would be really sad if there was someone who didn't raise his arm now....
Kisumai needs more power if they want to keep on rising in popularity from now on, so we'll make a test. There will be different questions and I count on you to come up with exactly the same answer for everything okay?
Oooooooh what is this?
It proves if we have Group Ai?
First Question: What present made you happy lately?
A present? Aaah~
but this is clear, everyone's the same right?
The truth is, some time ago Kisumai got those roller skates from takki, designed originally for them! Will everyone really say roller skates?
Okay here we go:
roller skates!
roller skates!
roller skates!
roller skates!
Right, all over the place~!
Who, who?
I said roller skate...
oh no, that was it......
why did you say CM with such confidence?!
Yeah we 3 said CM....
Fujigaya, what was the name of THIS SHOW again...?
TakkiCHANnel... *screams*
Second question: Who acts the most like a spoiled child in Kisumai?
well I think I know....
on three:
oh a lot said Nikaido...
yeah we five said Nika!
Nika+Miyata, who did you say?
no way!
yeah I thought tamamori for a moment too!
Well, but Nika acts a lot more spoiled than I do~
he's really such a brat!!
Nika-chan, don't feel down~
Third question: When you're told to summarize Takizawa Hideaki in one kanji, which would it be?
Eeeeeh... this... well I have one~
here we go:
Taki (waterfall)
Taki (waterfall)
Otoko (man)
Otoko (man)
Otoko (man)
Ai (love)
Ani (big brother)
all over the place again...
yes we are...
that's just the kanji from his name, you two are so lame!
Well it was the first thing that came to my mind...
that might be but it doesn't make sense!
I'll report to Takizawa-kun that Miyata and tamamori didn't think a second about it~
oh nooo stop it!
Please do so~
Next question: When it come to summer food, which do you choose?
Aaah that~
yes it'll be that ne!
Summer, right?
Shaved ice!
Hiyashi Chūka! (cold noodles from sendai)
Dragon fruit!
This is bad, what is this?!
Miyata, what did you answer?
I said Hiyashi Chūka!
That's weird you know.
Express those noodles with your body!
Eeeh can he do it?
3, 2, 1.....!
*plop* ~ai!
Wait wich part of the noodles was that?!
The beginnig where they get out....
yeah I got that, but why did you say ~ai?
I wanted to say hai (yes) actually, but it turned into ~ai somewhere along the way....
ah that's how it is.
Okay this will be the last question for today.
Oh the last? It'll be really bad if we don't match here, right?
What is Kisumai's biggest dream at the moment?
We should be able to get this one right ne!
Here we go:
Woooh everyone said debut!! yey! *clapclap*
this is the thing we care most about at the moment ne~
yeah, as it is our dream we have to say it confidently!
But isn't it great how really everyone could say it?!
Yeah right! The questions were so carefree until now but...
This proves that we're on the right way, having worked to arrive here!
yes that's important!
Yokoo! Did you really mean everything i've asked until now was carefree!?
No, really, that wasn't what I intended to say... just an example!
But it's great you got the last one all together!
Right, and it was such an important question as well!
So it really is debut?
Yes we want to!!!
Of course! I think everyone in the whole country is waiting for it~
thank you very much!
Ok so lastly, let me have your impressions of this show!
It was extremely interesting!
It was funny, and you just get into talking freely here right!
These tables are great! They bring back memories and make thinking easier!
….this is not really something that needs to be mentioned here again!
Tamamori, you didn't speak at all, did you?!
Is that so?
Tell us what your impression is!!
wait, wait!
Lastly, we'll let tamamori do the summary of all impressions!
Is that ok?
It might get long, ok?
Okay, i'll forgive him...
so tamamori, please give a summary~
Eeeeh standing?
Okay, you can start!
Today's TakICHANnel was the first, but it was really fresh and fun!
Please call us again next time! This was Kis-my-Ft2~~!
He's so into it....
but it seemed like a summary from an elementary kid...
TakiCHAN this was awful right now, wasn't it?
Yep we can't go with this, no way...
could miyata try something for the last summary maybe?
Well if it's takiCHAN asking I can't possibly refuse right~
….it was such a fun~!
….great job.
yes well done.
Thank you very much!!
Ending part:
to be continued :P