today sucked alot of dirty dick.
Name - Kandi
Age - 18
Grade in school as of Fall 03 - Halfway through my senior year of college
Parents names - Trisha
Pets names - Butter, Sir Bellingham, Telaria, Dexter
What is your take on Justin/Britney's break-up? Who cares?
Do you want them to get back together? I don't care.
How do you study? I dont.
What laundry detergent do you use? idk? II dont do laundry
What do you cover your textbooks with? what textbooks? i deal with makeup and hairbrushes
Ah, you dating anyone? Nope :(
To you, love is... love is having someone you know will be there for you no matter what.
Do you like substitute teachers? What?
Your extra-cirricular activies (in school and out): Being lazy
Were you ever on tv? yup! all the time i used to be. somehow i always find a camera
Are you wealthy? me personally poor...i have a shitty job
What do you want in life? Someone who loves me.
Last rumor that was about you? Oh geez...i dont know
Which would you rather own, Applebee's, Olive Garden, Chili's, or TJI Fridays? Applebees
What kinda people live in your neighborhood? Old people.
What was the wildest thing you did to impress your crush? Dont get me started.
How much time do you spend on the phone? none
Is being popular worth doing something your uncomfortable with? not at all
Do you value popularity more than yourself? nope
Craziest outfit you ever wore was? All my outfits are crazy
Who is your mentor? Shannon Spruill....
Bad habits? Oh geez let me start a list...oh man im too tired to type em all.
Is Linkin Park a boy band? well they are a band of all boys arent they?
One CD you can't turn off? GC...
One MTV show you can turn off? All things rock.