ethan's grad party and the boys summer kick-off tonight!!! SO PUMPED. uhm yeah. it's gunna be SWEET. just like work was today. issah + danny + jared = i love you guys!! i cried from laughing so hard like 673094 times!
so the last few days have most definately been interesting... hah. in a not-so-good way. they couldve been good i guess. but ya know. well im going to go run my 2 miles now. hopefully i can make it 3 soon. screw this whole healthy thing.
so im pretty okay today. independent-like. everytime this happens i just get stronger from it. boys suck anyways. so im better. and seeing him today wasn't as hard as i thought. his loss, because im fucking awesome :)
movin' on friday night. you should all come. ill prolly cry lol.