Jan 14, 2006 18:14

GRR! I'm getting sick of people getting mad at me for no reason! It's stupid and ridiculous! Recently my friend Kristen broke up with her boyfriend because he's been assuming a bunch of shit and getting mad about shit that happened before they were together. The night before this all started (New Years Eve), My boyfriend and I were hanging out at a friends house and he was there. The boys were outside most of the night and the girls inside. So I have no clue what the boys talked about but once the shit started hitting the fan between kristen and her man she kept calling to talk to Justin(my man) and asking about what they talked about.
She's a VERY emotional person and so I kept calling her to check in and see how she was doing. but she never returned my calls and the only time I would talk to her really is again when she would call and ask to talk to justin freaking out.
On Tuesdays we both go to bellydancing class. She got me into it and it's really fun. Our teacher just starting doing an intermediate session (of which Kristen was asked to join) following the regular class. So this week her other friend Mandi was with her and was a beginner like me so I hung out with her for a few after class while she was waiting for krsiten to take her home. Mandi and I just hung out in the parking lot while she smoked a couple cigs. Being as I hadn't talked to Kristen much, I ask Mandi how she was doing and we started talking about the whole situation. I was a little worried about her and wanted to make sure she was okay. Nothing bad mind you. The only "bad thing" that came out of my mouth is that I thought in the end she would be better off because I didn't think Kristen and her man had a good relationship. Which was my impression.
So Yesterday I get the following letter from her:

if you want information about morgan and i ask me, not my friends. at this point I'm not ready to talk about it and when i am i may or may not talk to you about it. i dont appreciate being talked about behind my back and there seems to be a lot of that going on and quite frankly we're not in high school anymore so everyone needs to grow the fuck up. we are all adults or at least appear to be(appearances can be deceiving). I'm not sure who to trust now. i can only tell you that i will be ok. at this point i am reevaluating my relationships and my life. as for your question about morgan and i getting back together, most likely not. im sure you are quite thrilled as you were the only one to ever say we weren't good together. i think you were wrong. our relationship may not have ended in a fairytale but we learned a lot from each other. and i least i got to experience that kind of love once in my lifetime and can only hope i can experience it again even if its not from morgan.

So I write back to Her:
DUDE! I don't know what your trip is but I was concerned about you and was making sure you were okay from someone that you seem to be closer to then you want to be to me it seems. I thought best friends were suppost to look out for each other. I wasn't trying to talk behind you back. I probally would have said the same thing to your face but you were busy and I was trying to make conversation with someone I didn't know well by bringing a subject we had in common...YOU.
You don't seem to want to talk to me about anything because you call justin now and never return my calls. How the fuck else am I suppost to know your okay. Your an extremely emotional person and I wanted keep tabs on how you were doing to see if there was anything I could do better to support you as a friend. SO don't go tripping out on me. I was just looking out for you, not trying to gossip or backstab. Jesus Fucking christ. If you don't want to be my friend that's cool but if you want to be my friend, talk to me before flipping out and get myside of the story.
You've been under alot of stress lately and I understand that but you need to calm down a little and get some perspective on your life because if you're doing shit like this to everyone...some people might not want to deal with it. And you might loss some friends. I'm here for you if you need me but don't assume shit from he said she said because you'll make an ASS of U and ME. Call me if you need me. My invitation is still open for tonight but you seem to never have time for me anyways. Later

Oh and the reson I thought you and morgan we're good together is because I didn't get to hang out with the two of you much because again I never see you! I would only hear about when morgan missed you show and when morgan did this or that and you were freaking out. So take notice of what your telling people because for the most part I only heard bad shit. He got drunk and was being an ass or that he didn't have a job (I know that can suck been there done that). SO I'm sorry for worrying about you if it pisses you off so much!

So I dunno dude. I've been trying to make new friends here and when shit like this happens I just want to give up. Maybe I should just give up on her. Besides Belly dancing, I can probally count the amount of times we've hung out since I moved here on my fingers (and maybe one foot but I don't think so). I moved here over 6 months ago! So I'm seeing her a little over once a month? WTF.
You know I figured she might help me make some friends up here. let me meet the people she knows and hang out with them. Take me to some parties she's going to or what ever. It's kinda hard making new friends in a new place when you don't have anywhere to go and not much money to spend. I can't go out to the bar every weekend. that gets really expensive. And I don't know where else to meet people. I mean I don't want to meet people at the mall...I'm not a mall person. It's been so long since I've had to make friends on my own it's really hard. No common associates, no work-friends, This sucks!

I guess I'll just have to try really hard once school starts. I figure I'll bring brownies or cookies or something to my classes and I guess it's a good conversation starter.
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