friday=naiils with laura=] & pics @ russ;s house and nolly's for dinner dance=P
saturday- russ's party; then sleeping over the one and only HEATHER MACKEYYSSS!!!!!! yey, im soooooo excited.
sunday-fathers day, going to connt. then going to dadas for a lil=]
hmm monday,tuesday, and wed=finals! then no school=]
i went shopiing today and got a white skirt, and juicy shirt, ummm like 5 shirts from hollister a belt, a dress, shoees,earings, ummmm capris, a sweatery kinda shirt from hollister- not sweater but idk haha lol, umm bras and undies from VS, and....sunglasses, and some other stuff.
2marrow gettin nails done then amandas comming over around 4,then were going to russ;s then nollys at 5ish...then dinner dance.then that night sleeping @ the dadas house=] kbye